josie nemo

A person really doesn't need to visit another country to understand racism, though. They need self-honesty. End-of-story.

*aren't turdbuckets

But actually, on that not, I'd like to see the turdbuckets get more spotlight - the kind that calls them out (I'm looking at Lampanelli and her ilk, but I suppose that'd just help her career)

That in no way excuses the blackface, though.

Yeah, well to think of Minstrel Shows as an American problem is ignorant and a cop-out. There are Aussies who know better than that, but even if there wasn't ignorance is no excuse.

It may be different, but it's still racist-as-fuck. Full-fucking-stop.

No but seriously... if you want a not-racist country, you have to fight against racism, regardless of country.

Idk, I get the impression that since S. Africans have made a lot more effort to deal with racism that Aussies. I think the girl this article is about should pull her head out of her ass. And people like her

Racists, the true authority on racism since they started the whole thing! I guess there should be a term such as racist'splaining.

... There are like no comments on that agreeing that the party was racist. Even the comment thread on the MSN article had some people owning up to the racism. There are some real gems in there, though:

Well, here's really not the place to be jumping to it's defense - acknowledge it, learn about it, move on. Feel free to talk about American racism (yes, it exists and is a problem, I'm in no way denying it by focusing on topic at hand) in the context of American racism (which is not the context of this article, not

I think you answered your own question...

Yeah, I've heard this racism blamed on 'bogans' (lovely little classist term) repeatedly. While I'm sure that people of lower class and education are often quite complicit in it (as is the case here in the US), those with more privilege are insulated by their privilege and have even less of an impetus to change (such

I think the part about her shittiness that bothers me the most is that there are (as you mention) so many other women in comedy who are turdbaskets, but are much less well-known. I'd like to see them in the spotlight that she gets. But I wonder if that's possible/likely, give that she panders to the privileged.

The face that says, "I'm a successful white girl, I don't have care about the fact that I'm an offensive little shit"?

So much irks me about her. I've noticed a lot of appreciation of her 'humor' comes from bro-tastic dudes drooling at her or utterly oblivious women. She's downright cringe-worthy to watch, to the least.

I hate her, personally.

I wish that we could broadcast Tim Wise directly into the thoughts of all the racist denialists commenting on this page. Of course, given some of the responses I've received, I imagine those being educated would simply think, "Get out of my head, American! Get out of my head! You don't know Australia! Get out of my

Ahhhh, the sweet luxury of white privilege, to ignore and deny racism without suffering any ill-effect.

I'm not Australian (as so many Australians have pointed out, I'm from the US) and I looked it up after this discussion... but thank you!

Thanks for the larf, the irony of you statement is delicious, non-thinker.

Whatever gets you off. That's disgusting too, though. I guess you must be too busy wanking to engage in reading comprehension.

I tried reading your all-caps bit of denial, but hey, all I got out of it was that you're a racist. 'Cause to deny this is racist is to excuse racism and that is itself a racist act.

I expect better. I know that not all criminals are bad people, often the only crime is being poor or not part of the powerful part of society and therefore easily persecuted. I would hope this would lend perspective.

But when colonialism is a big part of a nation's history, there's often the use of racism as a means to

Denial is a strong motivator, apparently.