josie nemo

Yeah... that guy is taking the piss out of this party in a related (but not the same) manner to white people in [race]face 'taking the piss out of' their fellow white racists. Which is to say, he's not. He's just participating and furthering racism while vicitimizing PoC further.

Oh, and I'm sorry to imply that seeking a non-violent solution is 'letting it pass'. Clearly that's not the case.

And they do in fact have that history of blackface... minstrel shows are an Australian 'tradition' that dates back to at least the 1830s.

Eh, I think the denial is the only unproductive part, really. YMMV.

That was what I was originally thinking of yeah. Also, people keep saying that the blackface was 8 years ago - at first I assumed that was mathfail, but now I'm starting to think there was something in 2007 in addition to more recent examples.

Awesome, thank you.

Not anyone who matters! (I'm being sardonic, of course)

Well, then he's a failed satirist and a racist. No need to apologize for him.

And that's hardly the only thing that's racist about Australia. Just a very public example of blackface, which is relevant to this discussion, as it's on an article about... Australians in blackface.

I prefer my racists to be "former racists who educated themselves and are now fighting the racism that they participating in".

As for what they're saying, let me translate, "because we aren't literally committing very public and violent acts of racism, it's not a problem/is a thing of the past/whatever dood."

You already did. Repeatedly. It's just derailing and pointless. Also, how do people (like yourself) get that Australia (a country and continent with a government and history steeped in colonialism and racism) doesn't equal all Australians? Please explain how you conflate the two.

If by nobody you mean you, then I agree... I'm not sure it didn't catch on, because I've read that blackface has a fairly long history (and decently documented) in Australia. And it clearly hasn't went away.

Well, it should hurt... being a victim of institutional racism hurts loads worse. Having people deny that that

Shit, I would never have even guessed that... goddamn, can't these racists even get their racism 'right'?

And you are far kinder than I... that kind of behavior would be far too upsetting for me to let pass if it was my party. Like, I'd be thinking, "How'd this ignorant wanker even get in here?"

... So you're just ignorant of the 'tradition' of minstrel shows in Australia that extends 'for over a hundred years'? That... explains some things.

There are some who've posted in reply to my thread... I'd love to meet these Australians and hang out with them, even.

I'll take you at your word that you're not racist, for the sake of argument (not that that's an invitation to disagree). Oh wait, I can't, 'cause a history of colonialism and deeply rooted racism is very much a part of your country's history. And denying that enables racism. Take a deep breath, endeavor to educate

Nah, actually it's not ironic, it's just relevant. Article wasn't on America, to discuss American racism would be a derailment. Try again later.

Also 'bogan' in that context is gross and classist, if I understand the connotation of the term.

Hey, no need for hyperbole to that degree. My point is - some people watch these shows and think that shit's okay. That there were people that produced those shows indicate that there are people in power who don't see a problem with it. Etc. Also, that manifestations of racism don't compete.

Also, racists are very

Naw, I said the country, not just the people... it's a historical and institutional problem. And while you may only consort with people who find really really blatant racism offensive, that's entirely besides the point. Racism isn't just about what's so easily noticeable like this and other examples that have come up

Yeah, passive acceptance of bigotry helps keep it normalized for sure! I hope at least one of the people disagreeing with my initial post starts questioning their racist assumptions... even that would be a bit of success.

You're welcome and thank you... I also hope that this thread helps challenge a lot of