josie nemo

I really really hope a Republican uses this as her campaign theme song.

Well, I'm glad Paris sobered up so much to make that... might have been embarrassing otherwise.

Hmm, I wonder if I could write 18-pages of dinorotica. Clearly the bar is set low and I could definitely use the money.

Well, it's really a natural assumption to make about Jesus

Aside from the NSA, right?

But. But. That 'denim thong', so very relevant to feminism... /sarcasm

Right? This is silly. In these past few days, I've decided that Jezebel has far more interest in celeb gossip than feminism. And what feminism it does display is very rarely anything more than very shallow.

Yes. This.

I tried to read through to see how Rihanna was 'Fucking With' the author's simple mind, but halfway-through, my eyes glazed over with boredom.

That is what 'jorts' are. SMDH

Exactly that... I know I'm thin-skinned, but I honestly find their cis-centric bias hurtful.

I feel like a lot of people on here don't take trans issues seriously and are generally 'humoring' us, if anything.

That's not really always an option. Nor is it necessarily the case that therapy actually was helping her. Read other comments on this thread and the one I made in reply to Benincasa's piece itself.

Well, even going on what's said, the 'friend' seems to be looking for an excuse to blame everything on the transwoman.

True, allies are pretty fuckin clueless far too often.

Haha, the feminism here is often a joke, IMO. A lot of shallow, ignorant thinking, sadly. And on trans issues? Makes my brain want to explode.

Worse than harsh, it's unrealistic. That's not really always an option - either in availability of a therapist or in being able to afford one.

Assuming there even is one at all. There isn't in my area.

Sounds like no biggie, then. Cool, thanks for the info.

But... American French-Canadians. In America. At least that's the drift I'm getting from what you said?

So... it's a slur against people who aren't actually Canadian?

Lol, did they? 'Cause I'm not seeing that. Maybe, like you they misinterpreted it and addressed what they thought it meant?

One of the big reasons that therapy is a problem is that it's a gatekeeping thing. But, like you, I assumed that that wasn't the reason she was seeking therapy. From the phrase "a lot of goddamn

I'm sorry that the abuse you suffered skews your perception and leads you to dismiss the experiences of people who actually have relevant experience to this issue. I'm sorry you suffered that abuse at all. But that doesn't make you right, nor does it make your opinion on the subject a valid one.

So talk about those

It's hard to give a shit about trivial shit when your life is hell.