Joshua Spong

You could shove coal in my ass and I’d shit diamonds with how hard I was cringing watching that video. Holy hell that is intense! Brilliant, ballsy, bike control!

The best stunt pulled off in this video is including decent, appropriate music mixed at a rational level to enhance the action. That some SKILLZZ right there!

I’ve been on that trail!!! on the way to mount Chumash in GTA V

Isle of Man isn’t already a blatant suicide attempt?

Wait, sidecars are a thing at Mann? That sounds like a blatant suicide attempt

Libel laws don’t care about the distinction between a blogger and a journalist.

Since when do you need to be able to “back it up?”

I’m pretty sure I never chastised you. Comments and articles are different things; we can’t just say things unless we can back them up, which is why this took so long.

54 character that you wrote prove that you are liar. If your statement would be true, your comment would not even exist.

A guy pulled up next to me in a gas station in one of these yesterday he went and looked at my g wagen and i went and looked at his sl. I would have switched on the spot (if not for things like losing a shit ton if money in the trade etc)

Is that John Voight’s car?

I don’t care what people think of the Holden GTOs but when I was 14 it was the coolest car ever.

Mercedes SL (R107 for chassis code nerds) was the it car of the 70s and early 80s.

Mine is creeping up closer to 450hp, the chassis can take more ...

Ah yet again, another “no fucks given” car that looks like it was deliberately and carefully designed to look like the owner didn’t give a fuck.

I totally dig it, but let’s be real here.

I can appreciate a REAL rat rod. One that someone makes themselves and mods themselves rather than using money and intentional shittiness to make a rat like car. Also those wheel flares in the back, can be cool if it was actually usefull.

i dunno, tossing a bunch of go-fast parts at a car still counts as giving a fuck about something in my opinion.

Please, tell me more about your Concorde experience. The final flight occurred while I was in Grade 10 and I lament having no ability to ever experience supersonic travel wth fellow passengers ever in my lifetime as it currently stands.

#2 is nonsense right now.* Remember a third of every investment profit goes to taxes, which means you have to be earning 6% to just break even with that “free money” loan. Not many people made 6% last year.