Joshua Spong

Oh hey, don't mind me. Just a brown diesel manual wagon passing through here.

Just a little insight into how a lot (not all) of "clone" companies start/exist in china:

Each year, annually [read: end of contract] major companies and corporations alike will house what is know as "manufacturer bidding" for whatever it is they need made - be it a part or an entire product between multiple factories.

The prevailing lore is the term refers to the result of what a person looks like after a crash wearing a helmet but no other protective gear:

Now playing

Craig was just paying it forward from when the shoe was on the other foot.


Close enough.

Just what I needed to stop myself from tearing up.

Oh, I can leak the endings as well. Heart attack. Bankruptcy. Heart attack. OD. Early onset Dementia. Suicide. Heart Attack. Possession of a controlled substance. Tax Evasion. Murder/Suicide. Organ failure, etc.

Isnt he sponsored by some kind of energy drink? Alien scar...i think. Boy they sure are subtle with the branding, i hardly even noticed. I hope they are getting their monies worth out of this block fellow.

Ah, no you're very wrong. Please allow me further your knowledge...

I found the camera operator.

First responders said the cameraman looked to have suffered horrible, life-threatening injuries, but he was just tired.

The runner up of Darwin Awards goes to... [Drum rattle] THE CAMERAMAN FOR NOT TILTING HIS PHONE! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Drove it off the lot.

You only read what you'd end up telling yourself after that piece of shit was over.

Caterham Superlight.

His check engine light was on.