
As far as I know, no one tried to do this to the naked Trump statue, at least his supporters could take a joke

terrible, unsatisfying sex and maybe crying at the end.

Yes, you are missing bad sex.

I’ve never slept with a virgin. Am I missing something?

Adam Jensen needs a nerf.

They are both excellent!

A Gallup Poll shows the voters split 50/50

Pole v. Pole.

My dude person loves it and he named a planet after me. All parties involved are happy.

Because it plays on a colloquialism?

Am I nuts that I like to use the granulated stuff and occasionally dip the straw down for a quick hit of sweetness?

Yup! Not a single glorious fuck was given by Larry. And the best part was that Obama seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe minus the drone bit - but alas, that was fully deserved.

I know you guys are desperately trying to paint anyone who dares critize the all mighty Melissa McArthy the Queen of comedy as a woman hating Mra but this movie looks like shit.

I think she is way more effective where she is. i get the feeling she doesnt want to be president.

The challah recipe I make most Fridays calls for egg yolks, so I always reserve the whites to make what my mother called “forgotten cookies” when I was growing up. I whip the whites, add sugar slowly after the whites are well whipped, then stir in dark chocolate chips. I bake at 90 degrees C for about 3 hours, and

It’s articles like this that make it hard for me to go outside.

I remember working on the Pacific Princess under Captain Stubing. It was a pretty nice environment, the ship’s doctor was a perv, but I liked Isaac the bartender. The cruise director was kind of hyper, but it turns out she was pretty coked up. There was some brat running around too, but I pretty much ignored her. It

I’m playing Fallout 4 instead to simulate what the world will be like if one of these morons actually gets elected president.

I asked my boyfriend to marry me! And he said yes! Wahoo! He wasn’t emasculated. In fact, he said that the fact that I asked him was just an illustration of all my qualities that he loves the most. I got to the point where I just knew I wanted to get married and waiting around seemed profoundly un-feminist. When I