Joshua Heffernan

One thing to bear in mind is that a lot of the flavor notes and characteristics that are prized in high-end wine, and push prices up really high, are not pleasant to most casual wine drinkers. People think, wow it's a $500 bottle of win, it must taste really good. In fact, it's more accurate to say that the $500

Yeah, I always assumed it was the way that he holds the cigarette.

Verhoeven's movies, like all good sci-fi and satire, pretend to be about the future when they are actually about right now.

I'm guessing that Epstein's ship kept going right out of the solar system and is what notified the protomolecule/alien society that maybe they should come check out our solar system. It's just taken 137 years for his ship to make it far enough and for them to send back a response.

"This is what beer tastes like" is a great description. I also like the stripped down, slightly basic nature of it. The craft beer movement has been an overwhelming net position, but the self-seriousness of it gets me down sometimes. Stop making something fun, not fun.

sweetheart, i think you stumbled on to the wrong comments section. this isn't breitbart.

Don't get your hopes up. Maher's libertarian tendencies (and casual misogyny) will likely be in the forefront here. I suspect they will agree more than they disagree.

But masters and doctoral is a very different experience than bachelor. I suspect it wouldn't require living at home.

That's a very fair point.

If the point of living with her parents is so that she can go to school full time, and she is "going back" to college (so presumably already has some of it under her belt), then how can it possibly take her 7 years to finish? I'm stumped here. Unless she's planning to go all the way through to a Ph.D, I don't get it.

Surprised so little mention of the Black History month Valentine chocolates. I thought that was the highlight of the episode by a large margin.

New York pizza is a less-good descendant of New Haven pizza.

If Chungking Express is your favorite movie, then maybe you are out of your element on a post talking about action movies?

It is, but The Raid is the best action movie of the past decade at least.

Season 3 really destroyed a lot of the good will that Season 2 had built up with me. I'll give 4 a shot, but the writers need to excise the phrase "my people" from their vocabulary.

I assume they will put the first trailer for it in front of this weekend's screenings of Rogue One, right?

The movie Once is just about the only thing I can think of that nails it.

So I assume that this will build to Carl going full-heel and Rick having to kill his own son for the greater good of the group? It will be hilarious when the show attempts to make this seem like a great tragedy, while the viewers all rejoice.

I would watch the shit out of that.