Joshua Bardwell

@Joshua Bardwell: PS: the ECM8000 microphone has an XLR jack, so if you want to hook it up to your computer, you're going to need an XLR interface for it. The ECM8000 also requires phantom power, so a simple XLR-to-USB cable won't work. It looks like this device is one example of one that will do the trick:

Instead of "a sub-heavy track," it's probably better to start off with a test-tone. One option would be to use pink or white noise, filtered at something like 100 Hz (higher or lower depending on how low your main speakers go and how high your sub is expected to go). Start out with your ear near the sub and listen to

@Link2187: Ha ha ha... owning physical media! How quaint!

@Butters619: It's actually not legal. The ATF has judged that it is NFA and cannot be sold. It would either be a destructive device or a short-barreled shotgun. The smaller-caliber Judge pistols don't run afoul of ATF rules because they have a rifled barrel and a bore diameter less than .50 caliber, therefore they

I liked my five-fingers just fine, but they didn't breathe very well, and my feet smelled BAD by the end of the day. I stopped wearing them.

Something isn't right here. I've read up on cheese making, and there is more than one example of a lactating mother who is also a cheese-maker trying to make cheese out of her own extra milk. The consensus has always been that human milk won't curdle because it doesn't have the right protein profile, therefore you

It seems incredibly unlikely that a cell phone could "stop a bullet" in any meaningful sense. That is to say, a bullet traveling at a fast enough speed to penetrate the body and seriously injure a person. I have to wonder in all of these cases whether the bullet was a ricochet, or whether it had been fired into the

@Chewmieser: Switching from blade to electric usually takes some time. A week may not have been long enough for your skin to adjust. Obviously, do what you like, but it may not have been the razor's fault.

@chimpycheeseman: People who criticize Wikileaks' potential for putting lives at risk ought to reconsider their priorities. These leaked cables might, but probably didn't, increase the risk to a very few innocent people. Meanwhile, the War On Terror has killed tens of thousands of innocents. It's called "collateral

@wheresmyjetpack: Your position is naive. I allege that Steve Jobs raped me. There. See how easy that was?

@Snertly: Baby aspirin are 80 mg, and are the ones that people take daily.

@Open-Mind: I have heard the argument that Assange's goal is to reduce the government's confidence in its ability to keep secrets in general, thereby reducing the potential for bad actors to feel that they can get away with it. In other words, the next time somebody in the government is thinking about doing something

@ez10: "If you don't like it, don't fly?" Oh, okay. So I suppose you'll be the one telling my boss that I can't go to the customer site next week, and then you'll be the one cutting me a check after I get fired? That's so generous of you.

@Captain-Chaos: Everybody responds to stress differently. Some people don't show emotions as externally as others. No need to assume she's "emotionless."

@Nzad: Yeah, because that's what's important here.

"Now, if only we could get our act together and actually get to the Moon again in the near future."

@sygyzy: A quick google search on "HTMD synthesis" reveals that the precursor chemicals are easily obtained. Hydrogen peroxide, citric or muriatic acid, and hexamine, which is sold as camp-fuel tablets. According to the Internet (and, yeah, I know that Internet synths are always 100% correct and complete), basically,

I've got news for everybody who's saying, "First I can't eat this, now I can't eat that, please no more!"

@Celery: Raise your own food, even a little bit. It's liberating. It's legal to own chickens even in many cities.