The “double” horror genre is the scariest kind of horror genre.
The “double” horror genre is the scariest kind of horror genre.
That Bears fan is a lot like my pun skills.
Completely agree. If they aren’t going to moderate, they need to disable it entirely. I tuned in for a big Dota2 International match a couple of years ago, looked at the chat, saw people typing Game of Thrones spoilers in ALL CAPS, and have never turned chat back on since.
It said HIS mother, not yours.
Wide deceiver???
Sounds like my ex wife!!!
Yes, they said it was a complete tear.
Wow, that’s fucked up. He made a mistake, sure, but he doesn’t deserve to have his basketballs ruined.
It works pretty well, granted we have different goals as I’m really more in a maintenance phase and I work out at my apartment gym which has a limited amount of equipment to work with. I’m also one of those “am stronger than I look” guys but that’s almost entirely because of diet.
I’ve never done PPL, but I know some guys at my gym that swear by it. I’m on the full body routine, because like you, I’m pressed for time. I honestly think all these different styles of workouts can work for anyone, it’s just a matter of preference and what your schedule allows for. You seem up for the challenge, so…
“It’s not about being healthy, it’s about image”
I’m on a similar routine as hankthecogg. I went from being a slim guy to bulking up to the point where all my friends and family have steroid jokes for days. The only supplement I take is whey-isolate protein. I also eat every 3 hours or so. I strongly recommend 3 full body workouts a week. In my opinion, iso-training…
I was thinking the same thing? My full body workout hits every major muscle group and I do it 3 times a week. 4 sets of one exercise for chest, back, shoulder, bi, tri, legs, calves, abs
i get it, it takes a lot of work to get the necessary materials for progress, but if i run into any more zubat i will fucking kill a stranger
God dammit! I just finally got out of the grays!!!!!
“Well, you can’t just lock up all of them. It would be too obvious.” - Ferguson Police Department
I get where you’re going and I don’t necessarily disagree with all of it. But I do think this newfound fad of saying things are bad because they take themselves “too seriously” is just... Harmful, at best. Not only because it permeates this cultural acceptance that “Serious things are bad”, but also because it implies…
got to this line here “These games are set in a world full of in-jokes and surreal humor, one that’s inhabited by a race of giant panda bears because the developers at Blizzard really liked one of their own April Fool’s jokes.” and stopped reading. I’m not going to pretend that this guy knows anything if he cant even…
“With teamwork,”
This right here, is why people can’t beat Bastion. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen people charge at Bastion, die, and do it all again. Meanwhile, I’m picking a counter to go out of my way to kill Bastion, and if I get killed while trying to take out Bastion, I just see my teammates bodies piling…