The best part is when the cop shoves her when she goes to pick it up.
The best part is when the cop shoves her when she goes to pick it up.
The idea that freedom of speech protects you from the consequences of your speech is false.
Freedom of speech only protects you from the government.
Hey, you're free to say what you like. And when you do it over their service, they're free to take away that service. America.
How to enjoy the league community
Maybe you haven't heard of lewd visual novel Sakura Spirit, which is currently available on Steam. That's OK,…
Even if that were the case, which its not. They WANTED them to make more of a hit franchise, which is common sense, they didn't force them to do anything.
I personally prefer LoL over most other MOBA's. its less tedious so you can focus more on the game. DotA2 is a lot more tedious than LoL (and DotA players seem to think that more complicated gameplay means its a superior game). So if you prefer more micromanagement in your action-RTS games, then go with DotA2.
Man, remember when WoW used to be hard? Those were the days...
I remember the days of sitting outside UBRS collecting gold for my mount by charging players to open the door for them since they didn't have the key. Such a simple thing that is long gone, but still a good memory. Well that and the carnage that was Blackrock Spire on a fun PvP server during raid hours.
league of legends
2,000 people didn't enter the USF4 tournament at EVO 2014 to play the single-player modes.
They didn't trick you into buying it, you knew exactly what it was. If the content didn't justify $15 in your opinion, you shouldn't have fucking bought it.
f zero.
New 2D or 3D Metroid. Fav this up peeps!!
Hey, let's look at the guy who didn't read the second paragraph of a two-paragraph story!