
Actually, this is an atlas.

No, *this* is an Atlas:

THAT is the original ATLAS

or this:

"That's not an Atlas. THIS is an ATLAS!"

Which sounds perfectly intelligent to me.

I think what he is saying is that no one know what will happen when we get there and maybe we should think about it a little more before we do.

As I said earlier, "House of Duty: Titancall".

I happen to know that woodchucks have instead been focusing their efforts on recovering ancient technologies.

Once again, the media messed this up. The "robot" Obama is bowing too is actually a cybernetic exo-skeleton housing his Reptonian seed-mother in a protective beryllium cloud.

Ha ha. Part three could have been great if they didn't randomly throw in five different convoluted villains and turn Peter into a jerk for two thirds of the film. It needed a rewrite.

Clown School.

Maybe the UFC fighter was really looking forwards to that World of Darkness MMO?

My only nit about this video is that the explanation of high-gain antennas is incorrect. To increase gain, you're pulling coverage from one direction and focusing it more intensely in another. High-gain omnidirectional antennas as shown here would flatten the coverage sphere, not grow it. Thus, for two story houses

Please don't lump all religious people into the same category as Young-Earth Creationists.

Definitely, yes. Most women are the object of some kind of sexual assault in their lives and that's probably why the impact of a scene like that is stronger: it's much more common than, say, being thrown out the Moon Door or getting a bolt in the face.


It's weird to me that you see any of this as "baffling." Look at all of the colleges undergoing Title IX investigations right now for not investigating, or even covering up, sexual assault on campus — and that's not even when there's a star athlete involved. Look at the backlog of untested rape kits in jurisdictions

You know she's lying when she says she saw him in class

God designed it so your soul resides inside a newborn baby for the duration of transportation. That's why they have a fontanelle, so your soul can easily fly in and out.