
Clown School.

Maybe the UFC fighter was really looking forwards to that World of Darkness MMO?

My only nit about this video is that the explanation of high-gain antennas is incorrect. To increase gain, you're pulling coverage from one direction and focusing it more intensely in another. High-gain omnidirectional antennas as shown here would flatten the coverage sphere, not grow it. Thus, for two story houses

It's weird to me that you see any of this as "baffling." Look at all of the colleges undergoing Title IX investigations right now for not investigating, or even covering up, sexual assault on campus — and that's not even when there's a star athlete involved. Look at the backlog of untested rape kits in jurisdictions

You know she's lying when she says she saw him in class

Every single one of those pictures looks like someone literally took a shit in a box after eating different types of foods that cause coloration of the feces.

Kid stares in awe at giant Xbox controller. More at 10.

Today I found out that maintaining a maggot-free ass is an achievement. We win!

... yeah, I'll find achievements to be proud of that involve less risk of maggots in my ass, thanks.

What a pussy. If he were a hockey player he would've digested his tongue and kept playing.

Time is a flat circle, Tim.

Sure, but that photo is from three years ago.

This was a good one:

Whew, was worried that the last paragraph wasn't sarcastic. I'm sure the discs are already pressed and this two weeks of extra work will take the form of a big day 1 title update.

I have to ask where she's hiding her massive balls in these outfits.

Anti-vax people are assholes. There are a certain percentage of children who cannot get vaccinated because of allergies and various medical issues and thus rely on herd immunity to prevent contracting shit like the mumps and measles. Not only are the anti-vaxers putting their own kids' at risk, they're putting these

Graphics over gameplay. All hail the master race... right?