Mr. Pedantic

I think the show missed an opportunity by not showing the lightbulb finally click for Mary once the three children were reunited. It would have been a great way to end this episode, and since then the slow Mary-Marigold reveal has become tedious and anticlimactic.

Next best thing:

They also covered the hidden story: not that the V.P. shot a guy in the face, but that it's actually a thing to pick your pheasant, unload it in a contained area, and kill it in an open-air shooting gallery.

Kevin Bacon?

If Stan Lee is one of the 67, then technically it's not a cameo, is it?

After she gets a bucket of that pig's blood dumped on her.

I prefer the Christoph Waltz…

That explains the resemblance to Michael J. Fox.

That's a real shame when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that.

Wasn't 2015 the year that the internet lost its shit about fictional characters in blockbuster movie franchises being played by people of color?
I mean, it felt more like 1963, but still…

They can redo the CGI in 25 years for a "special edition", when technology finally catches up to this film's unfulfilled potential.

Please, Mr. Kenobi (Uh oh!)
Puh puh puh please don't shoot me in(to) outer space…

So J.J. Abrams should have directed the Star Wars movie, but George Lucas shouldn't even have directed people to their seats?

When I get frustrated with a Food Network show because of all the fast editing and dumbed-down reality show tropes, I crave a show like ATK.
Then I watch ATK and wish they would look less like public radio personalities and make fewer attempts at lame jokes, and I go back to the Food Network.

Is there any legit difference, for home chef purposes, between mincing and pressed garlic?

What is bothersome to you: that our starting wages haven't improved in 20 years, or that $400/week was a cushy figure in 1994 touted otherwise by an entitled actor/writer living in a bubble?

He went stark Rabin mad.

Suicide Squad: "I'm not going to kill you, I'm just going to hurt ya real bad."
Star Wars: "Chewie, we're home."
James Bond: "It was me, James, the author of all your pain."
Captain America: "He's my friend." "So was I"
Batman v. Superman: "Is she with you?" "I thought she was with you."

So did Judge Reinhold, and we know how that came out.