Speaking of "Black Sheep", my sister's best friend did a pretty decent cover recently. Here it is and I hope you guys like it. =)
Speaking of "Black Sheep", my sister's best friend did a pretty decent cover recently. Here it is and I hope you guys like it. =)
I have a bit of OCD (I can't stand the idea of having my gamerscore end in anything other than a 5 or 0), but even if this game has those kinds of achievements, I'll *still* buy it! Hell, I'd still buy this and Tony Hawk HD even if they were 1600 points. That's how badly I want them!
There's still a friends tab on the current dashboard (its now called Social). But I'll admit that the old friends tab also let you access the recent players list, unlike how it is now. However, its still just as easy to get to the recent players list, and its not like the Guide button doesn't have the blades interface…
"... it's like 20 steps to submit player feedback on someone from the Dashboard now..."
Speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh, does anyone know a reason why the 5D's game on XBLA would be de-listed? It can't be licensing issues, since Konami owns the Yu-Gi-Oh brand (don't they?). The only possibility I can think of is that they want to release a newer Yu-Gi-Oh game on XBLA.
Not sure about the US (or anywhere else where Netflix is available), but for us in Canada, Thor has been on Netflix for at least six months now. Same with Captain America.
So, what's with (seemingly) everyone hating on Microsoft's E3 press conference this year? The way people act (even on Major Nelson's blog), you'd think they only showed Kinect games, new entertainment apps, and Usher. Its like everyone completely ignores the brand new Halo 4 campaign gameplay, Forza Horizon, Gears of…
They didn't have McMinis the last time I tried ordering one (which was a few days ago). Also, their best burger (IMO, it was the Big Xtra) seems to only be available at McDonald's restaurant that's inside a nearby Wal-Mart. Its too bad its not part of *every* McDonald's like it used to be.
Jelly troll is jelly.
I say that good fries don't need ketchup, but good fries with good dip? Can't say no to that!
There's mushroom and swiss snack wraps?! How come we don't have them here in Canada?!
Soooo.....the euphemism? You could have just said so, Forrest. =P
The euphemism reinforces your decision? Really? That's retarded.
I'm not worried about them becoming work. I just don't want to feel like I wasted money on a game that I won't even finish. For me, even EvilQuest is a waste of $1 if I don't at least finish it.
I have a question for anyone who's willing to answer; how do you deal with a backlog? Especially when you know that there's games that you still want to *buy* (let alone complete)? Even on weekends or other days off, I find myself distracted by Netflix and Black Ops.
Its funny because Usher's performance was basically a fancy way of announcing Dance Central 3. You could even see the Dance Central 3 logo in you cute little .gif there.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but I'm wondering if maybe there would be a lot less disappointment if we didn't know or hear about half of this year's announcements 2 weeks prior to E3.
Again, this is as big a deal as David Hayter not voicing Solid Snake or Charles Martinet not voicing Mario. Sure, its not exactly a major worldwide problem, but its still a huge deal, especially if you're a fan of Splinter Cell at all. And really, you should know that "I want Ubisoft to go die in a fire" is hyperbole.…
Don't act like you wouldn't be upset if one of your long-time favorite video game characters suddenly had a different voice actor (no David Hayter as Solid Snake or Charles Martinet as Mario, for example).
"MS hasn't built any new franchises for a LONG time and you know that"