Josh Taylor

@KaneRobot: You seem to think anyone gave a shit about 1v100.....

@resonance462: Best Buy is doing $20 gift card for Halo reach tonight, maybe they'll do it again for this?

@Gameslaya: It sounds dumb as fuck to me, sorry.

@MrGOH: If I wasn't clear on the sarcasm before let me do that now.

@dowingba: GB is by far one of the most honest reviewers. I understand what you mean about most though, biggest example would be zero puncuation, if I listen to him I would never play any game, I watch him mostly for humor sake.

@MrGOH: Sorta crappy? My first apt was section 8, when I was 18.

@Ristas01: You do realize they are given copies of the game weeks and sometimes months before release right?

@dowingba: Giant bomb is really the only site to listen to any more. Everyone else I don't trust.

@madammina: Mario 64 blew my damn mind the first time I played it.

@Komrade Kayce: Imagine it with a crunchwrap supreme (which I am eating right now)

@interkin3tic: You do know sony has unlimited money right?

@Dennen: mmmm, Limbo, as good as sex

@ieatbabies: No, it's annoying when dipshits like yourself spamm the comments sections talking shit. You're the 100000th person to state it, it gets old.

Um what??

@d.beilfuss: I'm copying this from another poster because he already answered this: