Josh Taylor

@Spanish-Leprechaun: It's still an MMO either way you cut it, don't be retarded. Plus if you have the PSN+ membership you pay zero for the game. Stop crying it's sad, really.

@MVarga: Nah, it you had read his comment he clearly said single player.

@Lex Dillinger: Hey, you can't use huge boobs to get to the top sir !

@wrath9259: That is damn awesome, I vote for you

@Spanish-Leprechaun: and the companies hate making additional content and maintaining servers for the entire community for free. Stop crying. People who don't understand MMOs really piss me off.

@Ultraviper: I'm ok with them being quiet. Don't ask don't tell.

@Michael Dukakis: Bad remakes really bug me though. Wish they would leaf them in the past.

@fearing: hah, I see one that looks life darth vader.

@Leanid: Well not really, Valve isn't bullshitting and lying to us.

@Mastrix: Remember that's where portal got its start too. Valve is one of the smartest teams out there.

@Kakkoii: "It'll die off eventually though, numbers are already starting to show that as new, more interesting, innovative, and interactive MMO's are coming out."

@Whooped.D.Dew: They use whatever available image for preorders... have you never preordered a game before ?

@Helis: Really ? looks like he's holding pistols to me.....

@Etalyx: It's just backup guns, it's not like he's mid sprint and needs them. He's posing for a photoshoot, jeez.

@Whooped.D.Dew: The things you have seen for the last couple of months have been promo art/pictures.

@Batman: Aion also sucked a huge donkey penis.