@Antiterra - No Country For Old Snake: Salen said Japan isn't "helping their image" with games like this, as if the entire country was responsible for creating the game
@Antiterra - No Country For Old Snake: Salen said Japan isn't "helping their image" with games like this, as if the entire country was responsible for creating the game
@JUFONUK: Gasp! A Brit!
@JustJake: If yours keeps working it is a good sign you are incredibly lucky.
A BR 360 won't upstage WWDC's offerings, I'm sure. :p
Not enough.
What next? Perpetual Dream Sequence?
Looks like it's built greatly on the crap Wii Sports Baseball tech demo. Which is never ever played.
@Orionsaint: ...it's as if you've never heard of fanservice ...
@vanderblade: Resident Evil 6: San Francisco
@DigiMish: I really liked the Chun Li one, made Crimson look like a formidable player instead of just a tack-on.
@fuchikoma: Wow that's a pretty new machine, I'm surprised it's not going well on OSX but fine on Windows... means it's related to support rather than actual hardware... sucks :(
@Johnay: OSDs are where it's at, dude.
@HaigNC: Seeing as it's an Beijing 2008 tie-in, can you see that happening?
That's the way uh huh uh huh I like it
@tslothrop: I don't get it :(
@fuchikoma: what Mac do you have?
From what I could SEE, looked like a fight I'd expect to see in Naruto. :P
I've been using this for ages, it's great to have a slider in the menu bar for adjusting external displays instead of fiddling with their on-board menus.
@CARBOMB: Jesus. you figured out the game sucks and will be good for nothing better than a rental from that little video? I wish I had your skills of foresight.