
Agh, what a terrible soundrack :(

Now that my academic year is over, I have no reason to dislike Mondays for quite a few months.

That said, the "no online" complaint is a bit of a wash out. ;)

@Cyanotic: Why don't you want to see a PC version? With a 360 USB pad, I don't need a 360 at all.... Gears of War, Mass Effect, Bioshock etc... I'm covered!

A PC release 12 weeks later, right??

@Ricksterlau: No... god no. Because then it becomes all about the number at the end of the review.

@excel_excel: Agreed with first point, it always irks me to hear people avoid Wii or DS because of "too much shovelware" as if they are forced to buy it.

@Footix: Whatever you think of it, I want more devs to exhibit the incontrovertible avant-gardism Nintendo did with that title. There are way too many Wii games with the PS2 as a lead platform and Wii as an afterthought. Ugh.

games would*, accessory*

@I_Hate_This_Place: Uh... what other gameswould you plan to use the accessorry on?

@jdmwhitey: We had a taste of it with Mario Galaxy I think we just need some more titles of that calibre, and less Wiimote tech demos and exercise DVDs. Right? Maybe we'll see it at E3?

@ssendam: No, he is sort of onto something there. I know of lots of people who've bought a Wii solely for Wii Sports and only turn it on during parties.

@iNime: Sorry if I missed your point, there didn't seem to be much of one.

@jdmwhitey: Ah, you definitely own a 360 don't you. I can almost smell the hardcore gamer sweat oozing out of your fingertips and onto the Internet.

@iNime: Oh, man. You sound like one of those idiots who tell people to learn real guitars instead of play Rock Band.

Hey, I lol'd.

When I saw that picture, I felt like I was looking into an alternate dimension where Crecente is blond.

Too Late would have been a brilliant choice, but Spiderwebs is fine too I guess. MOAR No Doubt

@Grey Gecko: Not for singing, but it has a few gimmick features, such as to activate your star power, and...

I've been looking forward to this if only for the 4-button control setup. I never played enough GH to really use the 5th "string", but its absence already makes this look like a more comfortable title I can imagine owning.