Dumpster Jedi

Bingo... the "much more even distribution across the entire wing" is the key. You'd need a dozen people to handle a job one can do with his radio. So yes, technically it is possible to pick it up and carry it, but it's a coordinated effort that is largely redundant when the plane can move quite easily under it's own

Mac is a real pilot. Has some damn nice planes, including a Piper Cub and I think I saw a Pawnee in his hangar last time I was up in Americus. He dusts his own crops, being a farmer and all.

"Rebuild" in this case is likely starting from scratch. I inspect all of my models after as much as a hard landing, especially if they're built-up balsa construction. A tiny crack you can't really see can cause a wing to fold or worse... in his case the only way to ensure structural integrity is to rebuild it from the


Yeah man, he should just tuck all 98 pounds and 20 feet of wingspan under his arm and saunter out on the field with it. Nevermind that it isn't

Now playing

The takeoff was the abort. Leave it on the ground and it would have hit the people on the spectator line. It didn't look terribly pretty or controlled, but that plane went the best place it could have given the momentum and direction it had at the time. I'll let him explain better:

He's an AMA member, and that comes with a $2.5m policy for property and medical liability. I'm quite sure the Academy of Model Aeronautics is well aware of "how big and dangerous" RC aircraft can be... they only predate the FAA by about 22 years.

I saw the B-29 fly at SEFF back in April. Amazing plane, and yeah... you fly something enough, eventually you'll have a failure resulting in a crash. It's part of the hobby. In this case, Mac says the #1 engine throttle servo connection failed, having been soaked with fuel at some point it degraded. It happens.

Not really a ludicrous rate of climb. A small quad (say 250mm) fit with high-rpm motors (1200kv or better) fed by a 4-cell Li-po battery can and will climb faster than you can track it with your eyes.

Control Line RC. Still has a pretty big following, as far as subsets of RC hobbyists go. Not really my thing, I prefer scale/sport planes and multirotors.

*citations needed* Are we talking about the same game?

My old HD6750 copes fairly well with the hangar and DFM as it is. That being said, an upgrade is in the cards because the level of detail they're putting out is beyond anything I've ever seen. I get bad framerate drops when the animated bits go to moving, and there's a LOT of moving parts on these ships.

In this case, the players buying the ships before the game comes out are the reason there's a game to come out.

People that buy these things need to see these videos. The subdivitards here buy them for the kids (cause, hey we can't have them walking around, right?) and then get bent when my father-in-law (Sheriff's Dept) sends the kids home with a warning ticket for driving the things up and down the road (outside of the

Our local dept (podunk south GA town) has had a seized 7-series in the fleet for years. Used to break it out for the xmas parade and crap. It's sat at the dept for several years now due to some very expensive parts that they can't seem to work into the budget. Imagine that.

It's not, if you're the kind of person that doesn't mind loaning the gov't that money until next year... interest free.

It's true. There's a tremendous amount of crap out there. My recent shopping on Steam usually amounts to an hour or two of sorting through hundreds of titles, only to wind up buying something that came out a decade ago (that I likely owned at the time) or nothing at all.

Now that's funny. Just last month I replaced the entire harness on the rear driver side, for this very reason. I wonder if the Delco replacement I got is the recalled OEM or a new version?

The F-117 gets that signature look from being one of the earliest CAD-assisted aircraft designs. The faceted fuselage is a direct result of computing limitations at the time, as even top-of-the-line systems of the day couldn't handle complex 3D curves.

Occasionally I have to use a computer not equipped with my standard web-condom. It usually leaves me wondering how people can find the internet between the ads. Seriously, try it for a few days and go back to the unsanitized web. You won't believe just how many ads there are.