Dumpster Jedi

I was hoping someone would throw this out there! I thought it was an awesome movie... when I was eight. Nobody, not the director, AD or DP decided that shooting at angles that would hide the unfinished interior was necessary. Like "hey this car looks really cool from certain angles, but fuck shooting it from those

I bought one of those "4 movies on one DVD" collections of Stallone's stuff just for this and Demolition Man. Two of my favorite guilty pleasures (the former moreso than the latter, DM was 90's action done well). Over the Top was one of those movies I saw as a kid and even knew then that it was terrible in the best

It seems I've caught a bad case of the "meh-sels", as I can't really seem to get excited for either new console. I'm sure they'll be a lot of fun, but I haven't seen anything that makes me want to go buy one anytime soon.

Sex is a sensitive subject to most, and every family handles it differently as it pertains to their own children. It is not a conversation that should be initiated by a boner pill commercial airing at two in the afternoon.

Not bad for a million-dollar car.

Edit: Double post

Crudeness of the demo rotor aside, that makes a ridiculous amount of sense.

Huh. They have $5 billion to spend on a new boat, but need aid.

Yeah, obviously I confused you with someone who A. Has a bit of imagination, and B. can communicate with others on the internet without sounding like a condescending asshole.

We have that already. Google "Kerbal Space Program" and build/fly/crash to your heart's content.

Related: X Rebirth May Be The Sexiest Looking Space Sim Of 2011

I dunno, it looks a lot like the ranges out on Ft. Stewart here in Georgia as well. I live not far from the impact ranges, and the terrain in the video is a perfect match.

Fanfic is some scary shit, especially slash fic. Ever wondered what would happen if Harry Potter and Snape had a homosexual relationship? There's slash for that. Gandalf and Boromir? Slash. Finn and Jake? Yup.

Kind of hard to tell, what with these two constantly making sex-eyes at each other.

Obviously not.

Can I have the address of the rock you've been living under?

And faux Russian is a disgrace.

Sounds like a typical car alarm... you know, the kind that go off at 3am because someone walked down the sidewalk and disturbed the air around the car.

Duuuude... that sounds like a toasty app idea. You should totally, like make it or something. *bubbling sound* So you could, like, find people near you that are ready to blaze and toke up with them, man. Awesome. *eats cheetos*