
This makes me love Texas even more. Minnesotans are too busy justifying their state through the Mall of America and "Dude! We won a world series in 1991!"

Obviously NFL officials were rejected from the Groundlings improv troupe prior to their referee days. At least they still get to do hand signals that mimic the offense. What you don't hear after they turn off the mic is "and...tableaux..."

bulldogzero - Senior Editor at Huffington Post and Ariana Huffington's fluffer.

I hate being a Minnesota sports fan...I will pretend that the metrodome crashing down (for the 2nd time) is a sign of good things to come. Instead of flirting with championships we will win something, anything.

Hockey is a tighter group too than most sports probably due to it not being as popular, but also it's a very expensive and very had game to pick up. Imagine being at that game (I can't remember the name or date) of the goaltender that had his THROAT SLIT ON THE ICE.

I go to TCU. Christian is in our name and we look at A&M and shake our heads with how close minded they are down there about evolution. I once argued (bashed my head against a brick wall) with an Aggie about how old the earth was. "Because the bible says..." is pretty much the default response. Nothing wrong with

Losing is okay too, it's just another way to have a fantastic learning experience!

NDSU is quietly becoming a sports powerhouse. Their football team recently won a national championship and their basketball team is apparently on the way up. I wouldn't want to face them deeper into the tourney. They're basically unknown which makes them dangerous.

I should have explained more. You are correct. But infrared in photography isn't the same as measuring infrared radiation with a thermal imaging device. Its just a photo effect vs. actual measurement of radiation levels.

Infrared is not a measurement of body heat.

Infrared. Not body heat.

No. English is pretty much the de facto language that people go to if they don't know each other's languages. So to communicate to the most people worldwide using english makes sense. Also, Murica.

This is actually pretty close to correct. Good luck getting into a top fraternity as a Mexican or Indian, they'll just make you clean the house and call it "study hall."

Like are mentally handicapped Jerry Seinfeld. +1

Like Michael Bloomberg.

Ironically the NHL has been admired for their pioneering of concussion testing.

Ellen Degeneres Jokes in a Sports Analogy:

Sorry my comment was accusatory. I was just blowing off a little steam. I agree with you 100%. I'm in Young Americans for Liberty (a libertarian group) and couldn't agree more.

Apparently there is one coaching style (Coach K) allowed on Deadspin.

I go to school in Fort Worth, and having been in Tempe recently (which is probably AZs most "progressive" city) I say Texas is way above Arizona. Just because Texas doesn't want to pander to every single special interest, doesn't mean we're bigots or racists. I'm proud to be Texan (by transplant...does it count if