
I don’t know, I’ve eaten some steak blue enough that I would not fault another person for sending it back

It is weird seeing that video because I know that’s a shaving brush. The other side of that little stand he has is for a shaving razor. I’m sure it has never been used as such, but I just keep thinking “I hope he rinsed that really well.”

I have several suggestions for what people can do with their hands on stage. I haven’t tested these, so I’d be happy to hear how these work out if anyone uses them.

How hard is it to pit an avocado? You don’t even need a sharp knife, I’ve usually used my standard flatware knives, the same knife I used to cut the avocado in half. You just sort of whack the pit with it, and give the pit a twist. The pits are soft enough I wouldn’t be surprised if you could do it with the back of

Steak Bomb

Yeah, I mostly see the Tomra machines here in Massachusetts. 5 cents per can, and I think machines in most stores only accept can and bottle return of products they sell. I used to turn my cans in, but at some point, I decided that curbside recycling was too convenient to justify keeping redeemable cans in the corner

I disagree with the putting forks with forks thing; you can end up with the same sort of thing happening when putting spoons together. I prefer to separate everything; if there are 6 separate segments of the utensil tray, I start loading from one side, putting one of each utensil in until it is full. Once the tray is

Alright, I finally heard “laurel.” I went into my headphone’s equalizer. It has 5 bars, 95Hz, 419 Hz, 783 Hz, 3499 Hz, and 6100 Hz. If I set all of them equally, I can hear it now I know what I’m looking for. If I turn all of them to -7 dB, and increase either the 419 or 783 Hz bars, it becomes clearer. Increase any

I’m hearing it as “Yarry” like someone is saying Larry, Gary, or Jerry with a Y replacing the first letter.

Did yours have power locks to begin with?

I had a Ford Probe with a broken driver’s side door lock. The locking mechanism on the inside was loose but functional, but the cylinder on the outside didn’t work. My theory was that before I owned it, someone had done a poor job of using a slim jim to unlock it, and didn’t do the smart thing and use the damn thing

My college roommate had a dish made with similar ingredients we ended up calling chicken stuff. “Primary ingredients are chicken, and stuff” is the obvious explanation for the name. In addition to cream of mushroom, we’d usually also try to get cream of broccoli and cream of celery in a casserole dish with boneless

Whenever it gets really bad, I usually start using an adblocker until I get tired of “not supporting” the sites I go to and revert back to having kinja pages (and only kinja pages) become borderline unusable. If you are already using an adblocker, then it’s probably just a general Kinja problem.

Well, it certainly didn’t feel like the saddest death in the movie. If I hadn’t seen that Napoleon Dynamite picture, maybe it might have been.

I trust the sites here to use spoiler warnings and put spoilers below those warnings. I’m working on bringing attention to the fact that there is a spoiler above the spoiler warning here.

Context. It wouldn’t be the first time that one of these kinja sites has spoilers above their spoiler warning. The headline calls out “infinity wars saddest death” and applying it to pop culture characters, and has an example tweet with a picture of Napoleon Dynamite disintegrating. Now, when I see the movie tonight

Well, as long as nothing like what is happening to Napoleon Dynamite in that picture happens in the movie.

I haven’t seen the movie yet (I really don’t like opening weekend crowds). Came here to say that I hope that the tweet above the spoiler warning isn’t a spoiler. If it is, it really shouldn’t appear on the main page.

I don’t know, I learned about the Oxford comma in school, the same place that told me to double space after periods.

Only the last one is something I’m not doing