
I always said that if I took over the world as Emperor I would start a spade an neuter program and enforce it on people who have proven that they can't take care of their kids. "Whats that? Your already on welfare and can't take care of the kid you already got and your pregnant again? Sorry this is going to be the

Is Bugs Bunny licking the Pink panthers anus in that last pic? Ive seen some weird shit before but this defiantly ranks up there in my top 5 of "Weird shit Ive seen on the internet list".

LOL holy shit man you just made me laugh so loud I scared the guy in the next cubical.

So we didn't get this because the COO was a short sighted moron? Yeah that sounds about on par with Hollywood's thinking. Its the reason why we don't get original movies anymore, everything is either a remake or built off an existing IP.

This is why I try to send my guys home early as often as possible. Everyone in my department is scheduled for 10hr shifts (not really up to me on the work day it's corporate that wants 10hr shifts.) After about 8 to 8 1/2hrs productivity just goes to shit. I know this because most mistakes often occur at around the 8

Ah hell why did you just show me that for!? Now I really want to see this game get finished it looked awesome in just that rough form! It has perfect sense of speed and the sounds oh the sound is just perfect! I love when a game nails that part perfectly the weapons just fell like they do some some damage. Add to the

None of those pic bothered me but for some reason the horse head was just plain freaky! It looks like some sick version of the scene in the movie Godfather.

I miss the cartoon they use to play on TV it was one of my favorite shows =(

One problem I noticed is that even when in proximity to one another people will ignore the people right around them and have their face buried in their phone. I notice this a lot at our break room at work. I myself only bother with my phone when I am the only one in the room, if there are people there I would much

Kind of ironic as I was watching that vid a Google ad pops up for truck drivers hmmm.......

Actually that would be a fantastic idea! Hell they could even bring Patrick Stewart back into it somehow. Quick someone call HBO! They could air it in the gap that comes right after Game of Thrones.

So the guy who wrote the review for the NY Times didn't even bother to watch the first season that has been playing for almost two months before this season? That's like jumping into the middle of a book and just starting reading.

That is just creepy yet, cool at the same time I can only imagine the part near the toes had to hurt a bit.

Hmmm I would had a hell of a time choosing between the Starks and the Lannister ones. But the only Lannister I like is Tyrion, the rest can die in fire starting with Joffrey. Of the Starks I like Snow the best even though he isn't a Stark.

I must be like a mutant or something because I can use either left or right just fine. Often when I have to write something with a pen I tend to write with what ever hand is closer to it at the time. It use to drive my grade school teachers crazy because I would often switch to the other hand after putting the pencil

Having dated a girl who suffered from the same thing behavior like this is not all that uncommon, its like being with someone whose mood can change on a dime (depending on how bad it is.) Often meds can help people like this but after so long the body can build a tolerance to the stuff and you have to change the

My Fave of Jokes today, but at the same time I wish these were real

Have to say after a nine month wait I am more then happy that the show is back. On a side note did anyone see how big that dam Direwolf got? Makes me wonder if its is fully grown or if its going to get bigger.

Oh I know the pain all to well, My son is not a bad kid I raised him to know right from wrong and to be respectful of his elders and all the other things that was instilled in me when I was growing up. Its the little ill mannered shit heads in his school that gets him in trouble. My son acts up when he is around them

20 years? They should Chain his ass to the tree for 30 days just to see how it feels.