Venus in Furs

This brings me back to the years of petitions, begging, and abuse us Mother 3 fans went through. We deserve a community made game after the way Nintendo treated us lol.

Never forget.

Because it's fucking terrible. Mash x to win the battle, walk down this straight line, listen to this obnoxious shit whine. Great game, would throw on a fire again.

"Baby, are you Gandhi, because you just fucking nuked me."

So following his logic would Peach have Stockholm Syndrome?

Online sexual harassment always strikes me as the strangest thing. You risk all the same blowout, without any chance of actually scoring. Best you can get is maybe some nudes? Just go Google yourself in that case.

My future Final Fantasy requests:

Good, maybe with a new guy at the helm we can get stories and characters more like the old days. None of this FFXIII crap.