
I would imagine the Russo’s could just take the budget for a Community movie out of their petty cash drawer at this point.

Watching Madden nerds lose their shit about  criticism is the real prize here.

Iit’s ok dude,no one gives a flying fuck either way. 

Well played

The best YouTube video,objectively is “Fartznegger”,a collection of Arnold clips with some very tastefully added, fan made sound "edits" which are guaranteed to delight.

Matt Berry rules the wasteland as usual but my favorite was Nadja explaining to granny,”Well it doesn’t quite work like that,if I turn you now you will this.” Granny-”Oh ok ,I'll probably pass on that then." Me too,granny,me too.

Gene Hackman being billed as “a basic pleasure model” is the best bit.The rest has too much fever in the dream.

Lie down +drink some juice,buddy.

That’s nice dear,now run along and go get washed up for supper.

It’s legitimately good.

I hate quibis.They’re coarse,irritating, and they get everywhere. 



The Toilet Humor Community welcomes you with open arms! Cheers!

He’s not Secretary of the Interior yet?

Ok,ok that'll do internet.Move along.

Go back to 2016.

Get Your War On was pure genius.

Yyeah she should apologize for the punctuation+capitalization errors..

City monkeys run these streets all day,fool!!!!