
Sick burn,brah

Will "The Adventures of Young Ben Kenobi" be far behind? Enough already,let episode 9 finish this shit.

Well played

You’re objectively wrong.


It's very simply a matter of wrong+right and you say you "don't care" so why are you bothered about people who do?

Go tell it on the mountain,brother.

Says the Chinese bot

Iit's not being naive,it's being principled.this is objectively wrong.period.

It's not being naive,it’s being principled.this is objectively wrong.period.

This guy gets it.

Yout must work for Trump.Classic slimeball lawyer argument.

I ,for one,certainly do not give a shit and if not giving a shit about some nonsense is wrong, i don’t wanna be right.


To be fair,I make the same noises whenever I check my e-mail.

She's so great in everything.So natural+organic,always very grounded performances.

My eyes have never rolled harder then when the "joyocaust" song started.big fan of the show but sheesh already.

$9800 for a 40 year old van with busted windows??? I appreciate the ambition.

This gal gets it.

This brought me so much joy,praise Krondor’s unholy name.