
I believe the youtube channel Internet Comment Ettiquette has a wonderfully helpful video on this very subject.

That monster was next level gross.

To be fair to the Russians,the Upside Down would be the scientific discovery of the century,if not all time.

Yeah,that's reading way too deep.

You could always,i dunno,go outside or something?

I've got my Halloween costume for this year,fer shure. 

Is seems like all these “challenge” videos are lousy with horrible,stupid people,no?

I think you mis-typed “best thing ever” as “bad.” Clearly we should welcome our new Boaty overlords.

Thank you.just replace "bad" with "best thing ever."

Battlestar Galactica bad.

Does anyone give a flying fuck about any of this???

I know,like duh,right?

Hands down mvp,for sure.

Yes,yes,and yes.

All hail the surveillance state! 

Nope,but thanks for playing.

So the original spoiler is supposed to be worse than the psychopath who plans out a Cartman-esque plan of humiliation and year long fake friendship?? Naw,man,just......naw.

I think he aged in the alternate timeline and then jumped into the prime timeline after having spent 60+ years there.the timelines remain parallel.

He had all the equipment he needed (suit+pym particle.) He just used them 6o or however many years later than the team was expecting him.

Exactly this,thank you.