
So say we all.

Sea of thieves LOL

Unionizing in 2018 LOL

Naw man,naw.

You,forgot to mention the secret track at the end of the album:a haunting acoustic cover of Slayer's "Black Magic Nights"

Is this the kick a millionaire when they're down thread? Count me in.

“...exquisitely choreographed piece of interpretive storytelling through movement as impressive as any I’ve ever seen." Thank you for my new go line when i want to seem like an incredibly pretentious douchebag.Cheers!

Anyway, I’m sure the Muslim community is excited to have Sinead on board.”

Trying to find logic in this show is the surest path to madness,friend.

Duly noted,Skippy.

Shitbird is as shitbird does.

Life hacks,bruh.

THIS JUST IN: Pete Davidson is an idiot...oh wait....apparently everyone already knew that,carry on then.

I wish i could upvote this into infinity +1

So in other words,we're completely fucked.

I heard it's a 100 GB install,which if true,is outrageous. 

Fuck this dumbshit idiot, tired of his nonsense. 

You may now return to the cave,thanks for your time.

How much for the ass hammer?

Sooooo....RIP Kim? This surely won’t end well for her.Rhea Seehorn has been absolutely amazing in this series, hopes she finds some good roles after this show.