
not sure if this has been mentioned already,but it wasn't krieger's brown ray they used on the bodyguards.they said something about "the most power laxative know to man" or somesuch,which was applied via fake vine.

glad to see the animation team has upped their coital breast-bouncing game.well done,chaps!

god,i got about 75% through the xbox version of this game,then choose not to fight some guy outside a turned out there was a bug if you didn't fight that guy,then he never shows up again and you can't progress the story,which i didn't find out about until about 2 month later.
2 months of me going back and forth

they are basically sketch length episodes now.

alice über alles.

yeah,her crying about "not being invited" sounded like something a 1st grader would say about kids at recess.

which,iirc,featured a hearing-impaired woman getting into fights with girls in her tribe over not including her in things/leaving her out of conversations.

yeah,he started smiling right after she said "you're sister died?" he was like "i know,right?"

i think this rabbit hole's been traveled through already.let grandpa have his fun.

yeah,there's a whole empty world out there.why shit where you live?


viral marketing in a zombie discussion board? oh you!

that's a good call.she's probably the one with his hidden gun.

all of those things happened,yes.they also talked+slept+got haircuts.

i liked it for possibly showing a new direction other than "hopeless hell world of tortured existence."

that'd be an interesting B plot.some gov.lackey declares himself president based on rules of succession and tries to restart the US system of government.would make for some high comedy.

uncle sam is love! uncle sam is life!

yeah,i was betting on some reckless teens getting busy in the attic.

i'm getting more big boss than solid snake.

oh jesus,guy,relax.nobody's enjoyment of the show is spoiled by that comment.