
upvote for that last sir,have a full comprehension of judge's sensibility.

and the helpful "..if you're parked at save-a-lot,be careful,because they do tow."

i'll go along with that.just find a way to splice the dean's payday rap in there somehow.

you're in too deep,bro.

i would imagine by the time they get to a release,they would be in digital rather than disc format.

finally,somebody raising the proper amount of hell about this whole bespin architecture fiasco! go tell it on the mountain,brother!

yoda kicking ass is so right for so many reasons,sorry.thanks for playing,though!

yeah,it reduces it from being a spiritual concept to a "little green men in your blood" concept.

black jesus is my favorite group of videos on the adult swim site.can't wait for this one and some nice yeens.

'28 days later' about college athletics?well,that's a fresh perspective.

-making you feel shitty for liking things-

that's funny,'cuz i've about dave matthews because of the shitty,shitty music.

-a bunch of snobs-

you lose,thanks for playing!

i never made it through 1 episode.can't feel a thing!

to be fair,she started out looking like gollum.

who the fuck watches american dad?

"…really good ideas",about the free market,right?

thinking is not woo's strong point,kicking things is.

so twitter's full of republican assholes,then?glad i didn't join up.