I take pictures of food to record memorable meals because I LOVE FOOD! What does it have to do with self absortion?
I take pictures of food to record memorable meals because I LOVE FOOD! What does it have to do with self absortion?
This has been on my netflix cue for maybe 9 years.
I saw Begin Agian and it was bad in multiple ways. It is not Once. Watched Shadow of a Doubt for the first time and really enjoyed it. Bought several records at a thrift store and enjoyed my first Commodores records.
I don't really think there is a correlation between pizza and diabetes. Heart disease, obesity and high cholestorol are more closely related to a pizza diet.
Corrosion and Grace are awesome. NOT THROWAWAYS
And then was nominated in 2013 for an Oscar for The Impossible.
I have the second twilight Album and it is pretty great. My wife picked it up as a joke and then saw some of our favorite aritists on the track listing.
I read this and all I thought was "that is a serious lawnmower." Did they buy it second hand? Inherit it? Is it sentient?
5 to probe 3 to watch.
I loved "Good Old Days" when it came out. Reminds me of camp. I still remember good ol mr fender…
The Blue album came out my junior year, and it is a great album but Pinkerton and Maladroit are more interesting to me.
I was going to make a jokey First Knight comment. Now I have to think of something about Shadowlands and falling asleep.
YES! I had that cassete single.
They were filming a dream sequence.