
I voted for Jill Stein too and I’m glad I did. So many of my friends were willing to overlook her treatemnt of all the women Bill raped, it was so disgusting. So many women are willing overlook the suffering of other women if it’s inconvenient for them politically. It’s easy for them to point at Drumpf and say Look,


We need to maintain course, whatever the partisans say. Everyone is worked up about Al Franken resigning, but it was the right thing. And you know what - I’d let 40 democratic senators resign if that’s what it took to rid congress of all the rapists in it’s midst. Well meaning folks want to play politics with women’s

Thank you. I’ve been saying this for years. Stop sitting around crying in your Malbec and do something. I was at the big March in 1989. I did fund raising for Planned Parenthood in my home. I risked getting arrested. I helped changed things and these “Ladies” are resting on my laurels.

Thank you!

sounds a little racist, cletus

Okay, racist

I wish I was Muslim so it would be more acceptable for me to wear modest clothing to keep those fucking pig men from catcalling me.

The important thing to remember ladies is that you’re incapable of planning ahead like mature women which is why you all stayed home on election day or voted for Jill Stein and allowed Donald Trump to be elected so he could appoint conservative supreme court justices because everyone is right about you - You’re all

“F1: Driving isn’t about physical strength.” LOL

i’ll hate him all I want, especially after the sexual assault allegations. you feel free to like men who treat women terribly because you think they’re cute, dummy.

Don’t be so naive; Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

You’re sad a rapist got called out on his bullshit and was forced to leave office?! Sounds like you’d be more comfortable in the Republican party

Good riddance, rapist scum

Congratulation, Breanna on tearing a black man down. The white folks are very pleased with you.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. This man has skeletons in his closet and is almost certainly guilty of rape. He needs to be removed from office and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.