Jorge Garbajosa

If you use a retractable leash you are a dickhead. This is a fact that will anger many people, but you are dickheads.

Hilarious House of Frightenstein for life.

Preeaaaaach. Probably isn’t a more awesome kitchen gadget at the ~100 price point. Maybe an InstantPot when it goes on sale, but I actually use my Sous Vide more often.

If you are a sous vide doubter - cook a pork tenderloin in it once and welcome your new underwater cooking overlords with open arms.

Preeaaaaach. Probably isn’t a more awesome kitchen gadget at the ~100 price point. Maybe an InstantPot when it

Sounds like it is another “pivot to video”. The move no one has ever asked for, nor wanted!*

True. Even more stupid though - the moral climate

And then they used a screenshot of a comment that doesn’t even say anything about data collection...

I am sort of shocked that LifeHacker would even go here again tbh...

or the bro-y types up here trying to copy that stuff

Yes Iggy Pop was so original. There was only the book called Lust for Life before... Oh and the Film... Oh and Jim Morrison’s poem...

Someone start a GoFundMe for Seattle

Wouldn’t even make the conference finals

This is a great deal, I paid a lot more for mine. I have about a 650ft condo and it is perfect. Can keep it on “max” and easily finish my whole place plus the couch. I dunno how that would translate to a larger place though, doesn’t last too much longer than that for me.

This is a great deal, I paid a lot more for mine. I have about a 650ft condo and it is perfect. Can keep it on “max”

This pivot to video is the worst thing since infinite scroll.

Almost everything you said about cast iron upkeep is wrong or exaggerated.

My dog would be sooooooo annoying on coke.

NBA teams trade, release and bring back players all the time.

Twitter profile is updated without the mention of SLC Dunk

A hit dog will holler.

Yeah guys, it’s just the ol camera in your mother in laws bedroom routine - we have all been there.

The broflakes are triggered