Jorge Garbajosa

Only a white dude would act like there is nothing to do in Atlanta...

The lady is obviously an asshole - but this form of body shaming is no better to be honest.

How is it not a dirty play? It’s the “Bruce Bowen”. They have made rules specifically to target this type of dirty play.

I got a guy on my FB, conspiracy theory quack - and he has been sharing posts to get his followers to bully a transgender transition coach on youtube. One of his followers even commented that this woman should be burned.

I reported it to FB and it was deemed fine. I have to think that the above is significantly

Could be worse - do we so quickly forget Sylvia/Arlovski era of UFC HWs *shudders*

That sounds an awful like a total guess. How many years are a few?  

Crypto doesn’t have a bad rep, it has the exact rep it deserves - a purely speculative market that carries the same risks inherent as any speculative investing.

I was actually looking forward to this. Probably be a more entertaining fight than Romero murdering Bisping* in the first round.

*your personal thoughts on Bisping may effect the veracity of the above statement

I apologize for being a dick. My “friend” had brought me a decaf coffee and I was lashing out.

We heard you and ignored you the first time you said this.

Quick saute in a little coconut oil and a touch of mae ploy red curry paste.

My condolences - my girl is 9.5 and def slowing down.

maybe the greatest shooter of all time

“There was another female form of the species in the room to corroborate”

Does Boston fall into “if there’s smoke there’s fire” idiom though?

I have heard so many POC - both online and more importantly from people I know and trust - mention it about Boston that I have to at least wonder.

Oh yeah I don’t think those numbers alone tell us anything really concrete.

Where did I even imply that “was all ok”. My issue is that there is another black child dead because a cop is either a piece of shit, or so reckless/unprepared he shouldn’t be on the streets or even in the profession.

I simply can’t even manage to care one single iota that if his name got leaked, he would “unfair

Since 2013, there have been 176 hate crimes recorded in Massachusetts, according to the Southern Law Poverty Center. For comparison, over that same time span the Center recorded 60 hate crimes in Alabama, 72 in Louisiana, and 128 in Texas.

I dunno how NY or OH fare though.

I don’t have good advice on that subject, because I really don’t know much - if anything - about hypoglycemia.

The best thing I did - was turn off my sugar/sodium tracking from MyFitnessal and completely ignore it. I would never give that advice to someone with a medical issue I know nothing about though.

Juice is not bad. Outside of rare cases (trans fats) no foods are inherently bad. Juice is a perfectly fine addition to normal healthy diet.

Labelling foods “bad” can actually be dangerous, and create weird relationships with food that lead to issues like Orthorexia nervosa