Jorge Gamboa

Agreed, and I'll say about half of those films, at least, fall into the category of "established classics" within the film community, like the AV Club.

Underrated is a word that gets thrown around willy-nilly and without full regard to what it's supposed to evoke. It mostly means:
-Not enough people saw it (Box office receipts) or know of it (many of these films become very well known within the circles of film-lovers or genre-fans, and some of them actually become

I got into the books when I was 16, when people were still waiting for "Order of the Phoenix" to be published. I read the Spanish translation of "Philosopher's Stone" and then looked for the other three books in English from my library. To say I am hooked it's an understatement. I read "Chamber of Secrets" and

I don't know what I expected.

It's like a scene out of a Christopher Guest movie…but for real.

Haven't seen this link posted in any of these Kelly-Jones articles. It's a video/transcript of Kelly in Jones' studio before the interview. It's cringeworthy, to say the least.

It'll be interesting to read an essay about what separates a movie like "After Last Season" from the respectable, art-house movies with meandering plots, inscrutable character actions and motivations and baffling director's choices/set designs. Those movies get praised by few people who "get them", even though the

I love Gadot's casting, because while it goes against the "All-American" conception of the character (see the costume, for a start) it makes more sense for an Amazon to have Gadot's look and lovely accent.

2004-2008 were my prime years, both with the great/fun films that I watched in theaters and the ones I watched at home. Starting from 2012 I've had a renaissance, thanks to streaming services and internet. I get the thing about knowing how to pick what movies to watch in the theater. I've had great luck on that,

1976 is one of my favorite movie years. 1, 4, 5 and 9 are among my all time favorites, and there are more that I love from that year. I haven't seen In the Realm of the Senses, but its reputation precedes it, because of its graphic sexual-violence scenes.

I love, Princess Bride. It's number 9 on my list. To be fair, 1987 had a bunch of great/kickass movies that seemed to be in synch with my sensibilites (maybe there's a connection? Something worth studying)

Great video about my third favorite movie from by birth year (after Robocop and Raising Arizona)! Makes me want to visit Chicago even more. Great interview with the historian too.

Bohemia-Modelo-Red-label Tecate, in that order.


I forgot about that! I looked at the clip and that's actually what got my attention most. I second the love.

The acting in Clerks is really natural, especially from the actresses. Spoonauer was really good in it. She was cute, charming, had a great delivery (loved her teasing voice and her tremolous acting after she returns from the bathroom) and totally rocked that tie and overall-skirt outfit. R.I.P.

For a moment there, I thought this was going to be a meta article about the comment section.

I was thinking it's a shame pirate movies are confined to this zombie franchise. I read "Captain Blood" and it has so many interesting things that could provide for fun, thrilling adventures. They said that after Cutthroat Island there was no market for the genre, and then PoTC came along…but barring a few TV shows,

I remember watching the Connery movies on a VHS collection when I was about 11, which included "Live and Let Die". It took me time to adjust to this new bond, fair-haired, blue-eyed, who seemed more aloof and reserved than Connery or Brosnan. But I grew to like him, and I enjoyed his debonair, "it's all too easy"

Those answers were a delight to read.