Jorge Gamboa

Ebert suggested either Jack Black or PSH for himself, and "a tall, brawny combat veteran, a Signal Corps cameraman with a robust personality. Not a dirty old man. James Garner at 50 would have been ideal." That's two down out of three. Black would be a great choice (just look at that picture) but I'm also worried for

I'm almost finished with the novel. I picked it as one of my summer reads when I came across it at my library. It's terrific. It's the kind of spiritual fiction that I love. It makes you think and the discussions with the priest of Torcy and the Deacon are amazing. After I finish it today, I'll wait a week to watch

Great film. Watched it for the first time last week. It's my second Bresson, after "Lancelot Du Lac", which is my favorite French movie that I've seen so far. I like his style and his themes (it's true about the sound…it's some of the best I've heard in film), and Pickpocket (while "not a thriller") has some

Oh yes, "Hunger" is on the list, just on the basis of that legendary scene I've seen clips of. Since I'm on an Irish movie-watching streak I'll get around it soon enough.

Agree 100%. "Intermission" is one of the nicest surprises in this month's watchlist so far. I laughed silly in several scenes and everyone is awesome (Colm Meaney as the cowboy cop with a love for Celtic mysticism= one of the most oddball combinations I've seen recently)

I love "Rome", but the thing that bothered me was the fact that nobody aged until it was convenient (i.e. Octavian). Vorenus' children spent their days offscreen in Neverland.

I've been watching some Irisih and British films lately, and there are quite a few in which there are two or more GoT actors sharing credits. The Irish comedy "Intermission" has Roose Bolton as an adulterer shacking up with Kelly MacDonald (who just broke up with Cillian Murphy), with a cameo by Varys as a psychology

HOT DAMN! Timothy Dalton! 11/10 Interview. That was great fun to read. Dalton is an underrated actor and my favorite Bond next to Connery. I love both those movies. And Simon Skinner is one of my favorite movie characters ever ("May their heads be struck from their shoulders for their disloyalty!" One of the all-time

Gabo's influence cannot be understated, not only for his work as a novelist or short-story writer (which is so varied and wonderful in their different ways), but also as a screenwriter (some of my very favorite Mexican films were written by him, mostly during his stay in the 50's/60's), essayist and public

It was the first JW movie I watched and liked it…but I liked other films better and when I watched this one late ron I discovered I wasn't "in love" with it like many people are. I have to watch it again to see if I can click with it again.

Came here to post the same thing. Great little scene that for some reason sticks with me:

So many…Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Rome, Deadwood, the Blackadder ones (especially "Goes Forth"), Monty Python's…the creepy ones like Unsolved Mysteries, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, The X-Files, Goosebumps…and the epic animated ones like Thundercats (perhaps the best ever), Silverhawks, every single Dragon Ball

Hell yeah, Meloni! A really underrated actor in my opinion. I was a big SVU fan during those Stabler years and I thought he was one of the best modern day actors. There's a latter day episode that's just him and Ellen Burstyn as his mother and is some of the best acting I've seen. I haven't had the chance to see "Oz"

I want to thank Will Harris, because he told me he was going to do this interview back in the Sam Elliott RR comments. I said that a Kurtwood Smith RR would be my personal Holy Grail on RR and I was not disappointed. Both delivered big time.

My second favorite Jesus film, after "Jesus of Nazareth". A masterpiece and Todd's review is short, sweet and spot-on.

I found this letter fascinating, with all its contradictions. I do feel Baldwin got a bad rap on some of these occasions (the Twitter thing with his wife, for example). I liked his writing style (I could hear his voice throughout) and the fact that he just unloads on pretty much everyone. Of course, I don't think he

That scene that Dowd mentions of the samurai leader's "righteous adrenaline" is one of my favorite scenes ever…"Troublesome" is right. Shimada goes from shock, horror, anger and…happiness, laughing at the joy of a new mission that will grant him a glorious, honorable death. I get chills every time.

I understand the reasons why architecture was listed, especially from an US point of view, but at least from my own (Mexican) POV I don't find it particularly outlandish. Granted, the unemployment rate and hiring options after school are tough (or dismal) all around, but in my own state university the classes are

I'll leave this here (my favorite Van Damme moment):

Oh God, (Big Red) No.