
They're also both carry the stereotype of being slow witted, extremely conservative and only have one city where all the tolerant people in the state live.

Technology is really only developed for one of two purposes...entertainment and making tasks easier.

Why are you reading a tech blog if you stopped embracing new technology ?

if you plan on doing a lot of gaming then it's probably worth it to upgrade...if you don't plan to game on it then it's a waste to do so.


I get just as annoyed by the Apple circle jerking that goes on here but this didn't seem to fit in with that at all to me...maybe you didn't read the article with an open mind? maybe not at all?

preserved - Maintain (something) in its original or existing state

Let me take a stab at it...I believe that the goal for Google is to learn enough about you to provide you with ads you will care about, with the end result that said ads don't actually feel like ads.

I've seen a good number of dumb athletes but usually the stars are fairly intelligent...especially as you go up in competitive levels.

The athletes who excel at the highest level of sports (the same level where nearly everyone is at the peak of their physical capabilities and differing levels of athleticism are limited the most of any other levels) are smarter than their counterparts who fail to perform as well?

Can't edit out the "Troll harder kid" bit...but understanding a post before you respond to it is pretty important to any response other than trolling.

My post isn't about whether or not the video is fake. It's about whether or not it's possible, which many ignorant people are claiming it's not.

100kph ~ can see the police barely advancing on the van (with the black dot being the cyclist behind it) at 100kpm. When the cyclist goes to pass the van, the police are actually falling behind slightly on the van and going just shy of 100kpm...putting the cyclist easily at 60mph.

Thanks for the links. I'm sure those are going to be helpful for others.

The guy is obviously not riding a fixie.

I've been passed riding on the highway multiple times by state troopers...I'm pretty sure it's not illegal unless it's on the interstate. I also know of a large number of other riders who go on the shoulders as well.

The rider doesn't need a tailwind if the headwind is broken by the van in front of him.

To all the people calling out fake and such on this...maybe it is a fake (not going to argue that) but it's far from impossible.

I knew about the bike...but a moped? that's too funny.

You realize the fixed gear came before the single-speed (wheel that keeps rotating if you stop pedaling) and then multiple gears?