
If this is true, I pretty much have no problem with the Rams relocation. Kroenke is moving a team that he owns to a stadium that he’s building almost entirely with his own money AND on land that he owns.

There is this weird American attitude that I have yet to encounter somewhere else that if you are from a traditionally cold place, the cold shouldn’t bother you, and like Marshall and Robin in HIMYM, you should be able to wear shorts and eat ice cream in the middle of a blizzard. I remember pulling on my big down coat

This reminds me of the scene in Shawshank Redemption when Hadley is pissed that he’s inherited money from his brother because he might have to pay taxes on it.

Peter has all the sincerity of a myopic, delusional fanboy, without any sense of the idea that the game, in part, built itself on the savagery inherent in the sport. “Stop at nothing to win”? “Taunt your foes”? Like this is somehow a 21st century problem, brought about by young, self-absorbed types who have somehow

No, the NFL is the tobacco company that admits smoking cigarettes might cause cancer, but damn if they aren’t smooth and delicious...why don’t you enjoy one now?
Oh and we have top men working on that cancer stuff, so don’t worry. TOP MEN.

Labor - all the risk, all the blame.

I hope the players read this and then never give PK quotes ever again.

“The game your coaches—from youth ball up to the NFL—have taught you to play fairly.”

The NFL is the tobacco company telling us that cigarettes dont cause cancer.

Because it’s not inheritable. You die, the remainder of your winnings go back to the state.

I agree that getting suddenly filthy rich won’t guarantee you happiness and may cause problems. But I’ve never found working in a boring job 8-12 hours a day to stave off poverty is any sort of spiritual Nirvana either. I would be willing to experiment with a different set of problems for awhile.

Paying college players makes sense. But has anyone come up with a fair system of compensation?

I think the subtext is that this situation would be less likely to obtain if it wasn’t a bunch of black guys getting stiffed. “White folks getting rich off the under-compensated labor of black folks” has a familiar ring in US history, does it not?

His point is that people would care more about the obvious abuse by the system, if those being screwed looked more like the average fan or those making decisions. It’s not really that complicated.

There are all kinds of justifications for why they are not being paid but there is only one reason - greed.

And that is exactly how unfair systems are allowed to continue. Someone has to be willing to make the sacrifice for the greater good. Where would the world be if Martin Luther King Jr. said, “You know what being arrested is too hard ... it’s a lot easier to just keep quiet?”

Nice to bring to our attention Pat. Thanks. I still don’t understand why they aren’t being paid. With the way they get treated and handled, it is just like they have a job. If it was more recreational and not mandatory to be at these things, I could understand the argument that they are students first, unpaid athletes

Or, plug your phone into the Bluetooth port


Remember the Alamo.