Jordan Lavender

I had reservations, but I think this looks awesome.

Somehow forgot about Logan! What a fucking movie, my eyes leaked bad at the end.
I don't understand how people who've watched Get Out don't think it's any good. Maybe it only resonates if you're a minority, but Lordy what a story.
AND Split. Didn't expect such a performance from McAvoy, but he managed to play multiple

Talking Smack is back to its best now Daniel Bryan is back. But special praise for Kevin Owens. Stealing cups, wrecking phones, throwing scripts in the air. The man is a joy to watch

Here in the U.K. we too came back from commercial break to the Usos frog splash.
Could Big Cass and Carmella be the Cena and Nikkir Bella in years to come?
Who (who, who, who) really attacked Tyler Breeze? My money on someone stupid like Hornswoggle.
Will Lana enlist Rusev to help her get into winning ways?

I didn't think this weeks Raw was THAT bad in all honesty.
The women's gauntlet match was fun.
Big Cass looks like a top heel right now! Just hope he doesn't lose momentum after his feud with Big Show.
BRAUN and Roman continue their journey towards their ambulance match, Akira Tozawa continues to look more like a Titus

I was waiting for a post credits scene of him going through his weekly mail with multiple jump cuts

Nah dude. No sympathy for Chuck. He made his bed

Where was Mike?!??

I thought that! Dude lost a lot of weight

For the last words to say to the only person that has cared for him throughout his entire life is "I never really cared about you" you can't have sympathy for that kind of behaviour

So if we're in 2003, does that mean we've got 4ish years till start of Breaking Bad?

I doubt it. I think he just wanted to go as comfortably as possible

Man, what a way to go. The episode started with a gas lantern and ended with it. The cowards way out for sure, but Chuck has literally nobody and nothing else to live for. But it was all his own doing.
RIP to a one of a kind villain

Expected so much from this PPV.
The women's ladder match could've broke ground, but didn't do anything different. And surprised how little time they actually got.
The tag team title match was one of the best tag team matches I'd seen on a WWE PPV in years! Like how the finish keeps the rivalry going but it did kill the

Oh Kim. I've said since she got with Jimmy she deserves better. The sad thing is this was always going to happen.
And for the first time on Better Call Saul, I actually found Jimmy McGill to be the bad guy. Poor Irene who just wanted to mall walk with her pals (that Crazy-8 store though)
Chuck now has nobody now he's

An original take on co-op games.
This might be the only time a split screen has been absolutely necessary in a 2 player game.
I look forward to playing it

I wish I got to see My Chemical Romance live.
They really created a movement with their music

I would've put money that Ambrose was under that bear costume at Miz's celebration.
Cool move by WWE to not choose the obvious for once

I'd be surprised if it really was Mr Banks in those overhead shots

Ever since the courtroom episode nothing much seems to be happening, but it's still so good!
But yes, I need Nacho to escape this world unscathed.
And I'm starting to feel sorry for Chuck