

sure skippy. nearly 3 million voters disagree with you.

yep - USSA! USSA!

so, when will the entire cast of lying whack jobs resign from false news?

wow - your post makes zero sense.

nah, the opposite is true - eastwood, who used to make great films, is pretty much finished - he's a washed up old geezer who yells at chairs (a.k.a. a republican). Coppola, on the other hand, is a gifted director with a lot more work ahead of her.

just dig that hole deeper, bill. Your legacy is dead and buried.

the Johnny Paycheck writing style is, and I don't quote, a steaming pile of precious contrarianism.

Even an obscure song by the Beatles is orders of magnitude better than anything done by the one-note, chipmunk voiced Beach Boys. Like comparing apples and dust. Just my opinion.

yep. the proof is in the oval office.

always a pleasure to block scum like you. Thanks disqus.

"If I had no idea who he was beforeā€¦"

"she didn't exactly lob softballs at D Trump last year"

you've clearly never listened to megyn - she is the softball question queen who sucks up to people like putin and drumph and will undoubtedly offer to polish jones' shoes or wash his car. Her false news gig is a stain that won't wash out.

"Not to be too "BUT OBAMA!!!"

in the Daily Show's best drumph tweet contest, the winner was one that president mango excreted before he started his campaign:

you're an adorable little concern troll.

john "7 houses" mcCain also unleashed the ex-mayor of wasilla and half-governor of Alaska on an unsuspecting population. Some draw a direct polictical line between the tundra tart and trumplethinskin. Both narcissistic imbeciles and the beginning of the end, imo, for 'murrican influence.

He whined/tweeted about Wisconsin dairy farmers getting screwed by Canada/NAFTA but didn't know that dairy isn't part of NAFTA - never was. Canada can't abide an uneducated fool like drumph. So glad herr harper isn't here to suck up to donny, like the current UK pm - who may lose her party's majority for it.

I dunno - she'd be a good fit for the WH - they're having problems recruiting employees and she's just about the right age (and IQ) for donny.