
I dont trust cloud cam’s for any of my indoor recording (especially any China-cams). They can all be hacked.... I use cloud cams for my exterior security but a custom FOSCAM setup that records locally to NAS for my indoor surveillance.

I dont trust cloud cam’s for any of my indoor recording (especially any China-cams). They can all be hacked.... I

The cynic in me says this was intentional and now they are enjoying the free marketing/publicity

You would think... but about 50% of the time the bottom of the bun splits anyways so all that shit falls out the bottom. Its better for the stuff to be resting on the meat where it won’t fall out.

Good old fashioned cheeseburgers are the main reason I don’t take “fake American Cheese” haters seriously.

To be fair, everything in Florida is covered in grease

Yep.. there are times I wish I wasnt a cynical asshole.. but hey that’s what protects me from shit like this

The game is great but its 2017 and bascially any game that doesnt have gambling-addiction qualities like Loot boxes can’t hold anyones attention anymore.

Same reason people buy iPhones or Macbooks over higher specced and cheaper alternatives

Im sure they want every second of flying time possible

I think we are at a point where you shouldnt buy a laptop without a charging USB-C port in 2017. Kind of like when Airbags and ABS came out on cars. Its a standard feature now

I think we are at a point where you shouldnt buy a laptop without a charging USB-C port in 2017. Kind of like when

I’m 90% PUBG and 10% Overwatch right now

Takes me back to my childhood when I saved up for this game... 1 hour and 6 floppy disk install later I was crushed that the game was nowhere near what my imagination had expected due to technical limitations at the time

The problem I (and many others) have with FPS VR is that any sort of motion is causes me to vomit instantly and teleport movementbreaks immersion. I won;t be playing and FPS VR until we get some radical new movement controls.

If it comes to that, I have no qualms about pirating... and you can pirate anything.

Me and Overwatch.... the meta got kind of stale and now Im hooked on PlayerUnknown but I still watch Overwatch Twitch streams

I think moral of the story should be dont buy your 11-yr old GTA unless you want to be parent of the year

Not only is 720p inadequete for VR (1440p is the standard now and will be going up). The issue is refresh rate on the LCD, you want 90Hz+ ideally

Why is that whenever you see a huge amiibo (or funko pop) collection, you can immediately tell that the owner used a majority of their money on that instead of say better apartment or furniture.

There’s a ton of typical anime cliches but the overall plot underneath is solid

pro gamers in korea get access to tons of sex