
Ive used it on my Vita, PS4, and 3DS (was a painful experience) in a pinch if I needed to look up a quick reference or FAQ without having to grab my phone

Am I looking at the front or back of the car?

LBJ is a whiny diva but he’s also a top-3 all time player hands down... they are not mutually exclusive.

Im Korean.. my parents used to have a couple of these hanging in the wall of the hallway. Gave me nightmares as a child, I was legit too scared to go pee at night because you had to pass by the masks.

Wow Ive heard some ridiculous stuff before but you take the cake today

Looks like a $10 vinyl decal

Now that both our TVs have been upgraded to 4K HDR sets... buying 1080p Blurays seems outdated

Now that both our TVs have been upgraded to 4K HDR sets... buying 1080p Blurays seems outdated

You dont understand how half of America lives with themselves

If 15k is a significant chunk of your retirement plan, then you are doing it wrong

Billions... I think no one would do it for millions except Sean Spicer