Go fuck yourself. Hilarious you are just upset at them as they are at Chappelle. Don’t you see the fucking irony you transphobic piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself. Hilarious you are just upset at them as they are at Chappelle. Don’t you see the fucking irony you transphobic piece of shit.
why comment then
elon musk is a modern day snake-oil salesman and we need to stop giving him money and attention.
I heard he also modded it to start off round one with 40 million “stars” from his dad’s emerald mine.
Or people can fuck right off with the whataboutism? It’s never good when anyone does it.
This headline feels so dismissive for a very real case of abuse
1.75 acres is 76,230 square feet. That is much larger than an average family home. A house that was 76K sq ft would be the 11th largest house ever built in the US.
You can figure that out for yourself
Two-thirds of the way through the Echo series, they’re just going to drop in a few episodes starring the Mandalorian.
Feige has a couple of problems to solve for the X Men.
pictured: the AAA gaming industry in a few years.
My son also killed himself at 26, 3 days before his birthday. I wish I could tell Ms King that there’s nothing she could have done and to rest her heart. God has special favor for those suffering with mental health issues and has His loving arms wrapped around her son.
It really feels like you guys are just trying to see how much you can get away with and what the community can tolerate
I wrote this on the wrong Batman Gizmodo article because I’m an idiot. So, pasting it here:
I’ve been following these recaps secondhand out of embarrassed amusement for this whole Che Diaz arc, but I can only assume that it’s leading to a big moral about not trusting these newfangled genderfluid poly weed-doing comedy people. Or at least not leaving your prematurely doddering husband over them.
Soon enough we will have a thing called E-Corp amright?...
No surprise here at all! The God business has always been a home for hustlers, con men, perverts, reprobates, pedophiles and the devil. And if the Bible is the word of God you can use it to justify anything including warfare, rape, imperialism, colonialism, homophobia, sexism, racism, genocide and other nasty stuff. Pa…
See you in 45 days.
I Know What You Did 20 Summers Ago