
He isn’t just a developer he’s the creative director. It’s like Peter Molyneux leaving Fable a year before it shipped.

If Ice Cube thinks working with Trump to sign black people up for $500B in PREDATORY LOANS he’s out of fucking mind. I’m not sure why they are running to these celebrities for policy instead of iono black economist?

Idk. I see a fan crying out for help. That response was unbalanced. Like now I'm just worried about that poor person who just got ridiculed on a celebrity platform. 

All survivors deserve the right to be heard. He is still my friend, I support him in his rehabilitation, we created great art together. I have nothing else to say on the matter.”

Damn no comments? I wonder why?

Look at this shit! Who are these people? How could anyone compare the two men on stage last night and still come out undecided? Especially on race issues. 

End this. Funnel the Games with Gold funds into Gampass. I can’t recall the last time they put up a compelling lineup. 

Right! How are we more concerned about the doctor and less concerned about the organization that is pushing black bodies out on the field after injecting players with pain killers. 

I’ve never voted this much money in a election year before. I’m scared to total it up, but this timeline needs to end.

Gtfoh with this practical and sensible bullshit!

The Bethesda purchase single handedly restored my faith in the entire Xbox ecosystem. It is a display of commitment the have not shown in years. I’m getting early 360 vibes again! Xbox just needs a solid fighting game and a little more sauce from Japan.  

They don’t really need to because Sony already has competent first and second party developers. MS has ran on fumes since Halo 5. They haven't made investments into new IP in years.  This is long overdue.   

Sounds less homophobic and more racist Italian stereotype of dragging out the “g” in long and adding a pizza flipping “aye”.

The playing field is not even and it’s time democrats realize this and adjust accordingly. Thank for your decades of work Ruth. 

I know what Timbs are I never heard of these “Timberlands.

Eww IGN. That’s like quoting breitbart. 

Let’s not forget that she was punched in the face in that elevator.

His lawyer probably told him to send that. 

The price is glorious.

After playing Odyssey I don’t think I can go back and play older 3d Mario games. It’s just too good.