
Not enough ominous bass.

Or Disc Laid Content.

"listening to menu music that sounds like it was ripped from a cheesy anime theme song"

Welcome to Kotaku.

Welcome to Kotaku.

I didn't know that is where Brian went. Guess I know which site to bookmark now.

I hope so.

"I just hate when deviation is automatically a negative."

Oh, fuck! That site is sweet, thanks for pointing it out.

Totally understandable. It wouldn't surprise me to see a site give Dead island a GOTY award had some major bugs(the save corrupt bug was atrocious), but I feel it gets alot of hate thrown its way due to its misleading trailer.

There isn't some underground/indie hip hop sites dedicated to bring them out in the open is there?

I like 80s and some 90s rap.(more a fan of hip hop and R&B)

Yeah...that's only partially what he said. The other part was, "Seeing as their opinion is shit in my opinion, I wish to ignore said opinion."

I remembering putting the game away for about 3 or 5 months...due to the save corrupt bug. Spent 60 bucks on it.

Most sites have multiple authors reviewing multiple games. Are you implying that sites should have groupthink going on?

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic....

I was being it feels most kid movies aren't hand drawn.

Sally down the street does it for a nickle.

Wait...there are kids movies that aren't made with CGI?

I had issues with the "Put the sports car in the empty space" game...the fucking physics are atrocious!