
Absolutely...the draw distance and art direction really go hand in hand.

Complaining about the ending to Mario 1 is like complaining that the first motion pictures didn't have a plot.

I'm loving it so far too. I get such a great vibe from it.

Yeah...might just do that. So far I've been completing quests accidentally by killing everything around me.

I'll agree with that. Inception wasn't bad...just didn't seem as good.

Donated 50 a while back. Can't wait for 2013.

Ah, I loved memento. One reason why I was disappointed with Inception. Memento was such a better film.

How many have been playing Xenoblade? I'm on my way to colony 6. I'm worried the side quests are going to burn me out.


Yeah...I'll stick to PS2.




Fair enough. His execution of his character could have been better...but the character had alot of potential.

Hey now, Thane was pretty cool. I'd at least put him in close proximity of coolness with Garrus.

Sure. That's fine I guess.

Huh...I'll have to replay it.

Yeah...while they did great with the relationship we have with the companies, and some of quests were decently made...the overall story/rpg elements suffered.

Scratch out number seven and you got a deal.

Wait...Dodgeball out of PE? WHAT?