Jon F

All jeeps look like mashups of other jeeps

Good job Ricky and Team Chevy! Also, it’s looking like another manufactures championship for the Bowtie Brigade.

No, this goes back thousands of years to the house of Ishmael. It is soo not the “flavour” of the week. I’m not trying to be a jerk. It’s just the truth.

I live in Florida and can tell you that northerners can not only “not” pull up to the sensor while not going right on red, then immediately drive slow in the left lane.

It’s only when you turn off the Vita Chambers that are truly in need of a combat strategy. Once you do that, it’s a whole new deal

The rich Miami businessman with a coke habit is cursing you out loud right now.

Ol’ Sammy Gogvic...never have and never will hear that combination of names ever again.

He said K5 Jimmy...oh dear...

GM keeps knocking them out of the park. Ever since the designers and engineers took priority over the bean counters it’s a completely different show now. The critics that are still stuck in the 20th century really just show their ignorance.

Prime candidate for an LS swap. Nobody’s gonna sink the kind of $$$ in that thing to make it right again. An LSA or an LT4 and fix the cosmetics. Heck yeah.

Trailer tires are only good for 5 years. It doesn’t matter if there is only 20 miles on them. If you look closely you can see the date on the sidewall.

I see 8 local V Caddies regularly in my local area and only 1 AMG around.

So if it’s not a BMW with an espresso machine, (pinkys out) one must surely be a “redneck”.

I love her. But imagine the nag she could throw.

I imagine that they’ll have to re-dredge that area where the docks are/were because of all the real estate that thing pushed over there as well. And also, I wonder what that ship draws? Look how close to shore that thing is!

The Camaro driver was like, “you’ve got to be kid...”.CRASH

That’s a great example of a factory car. Some mid 40s guy with a lot of $$$ and 80s nostalgia will buy this. $17K isn’t a lot of jack these days.

C’mon cuz, don’t be such a d bag!

Kinda hard to pulse brake when you’ve blown an air line, had a diaphragm go out in one of the cans, or had the air compressor fail...It’s a wee bit different than a 24' box truck.

Shorter 1st gear because “towing”. Taller last gear because “highway”. It’s not brain surgery. Also, these transmissions shift very smoothly.