
I’m okay with it not being a continuing franchise.

If Deakins doesn’t win an Oscar for this film, it will be an absolute travesty.

Blade Runner 2049 was great visually, but I prefer the low key On Cinema. When Tom Cruise Jr. came out, I started shedding so many tears. It was crazy that they managed to predict so easily what he would look like grown up. Really heartwarming stuff.

“It’s a good film, but it relied too heavily upon the overblown legacy of the first, and in that regard, sowed the seeds of its own failure.”

I really hope this movie is nominated for Best Picture and Best Director.

Blade Runner 2049 is the best sci-fi anime that I’ve watched in years. (That Villanueve hasn’t been given the keys to a Cowboy Bebop film is a crime.) 2049’s a great film that I think is going to age better than the original, which I admit even as it’s also one of my favorites.

I’m not going to say this all stems from man-hating, but I just got called a rapist for expressing my skepticism on this one particular case (and no others on this site or anywhere else), so what the fuck do I know?

No. Try using actual words next time.

Ladies and gentlemen grab your torches and pitchforks, which you were each issued the day you registered your Kinja accounts.

He isn’t wrong. On either accounts.

He said it’s a bit of a witch hunt?!? GET HIM!!!

Thank you. This shit is getting ridiculous.

They made out, got naked, had mutual oral sex , he asked if he could get a condom and she said not yet and then she asked, she says, to chill out on the couch for a bit and then more making out and second blowjob, despite nonverbal cues.

I’ve known a few women who told me being asked before each sexual thing is a huge turn off for them too. So it can be confusing. The more passive and careful I acted around women when I used to date, the more awkward it would be. Sometimes they would just laugh at me for asking. One time a girl literally had to take

I think it’s great that woman are finally being taken seriously when telling their stories about inappropriate (and worse) behavior, but objectively, the ‘detailed story’ is not in the text. While he clearly engaged in some behavior she was uncomfortable with (which he didn’t dispute) there’s nothing about what he did

I missed the part where she married Aziz, moved in with him, and had 2.4 of his children. Clearly, it’s the exact same thing as that.

I haven’t really misjudged anything. I’ve seen one side of the story. His apology was for making her feel uncomfortable/pressured or whatever. He said he misread signals.

She’s making a life-altering accusation. “Incredibly detailed story?” Give me a fucking break. Tell me why she should be granted anonymity.

Finally went and saw Blade Runner 2049 in the theatre...damn that was a beautifully filmed movie.