
It’s been awhile since Kotaku has a run a story that gave people an excuse to be as neck-beardy and fervently rally around a consumer product.

Cons: Still manages to get more funding in state colleges than medicine, the arts and law combined.

So this is like Ted, but with a Pikachu? Can we have Seth McFarlane voice a foul-mouthed New Englander pokemon?

remind me again why ineternet anonymity is such a good thing..?

I can pronounce NONE of these names

Wow, an mmo that isn’t a boring as shit top-down game. It even has thoughtful level design and isn’t a WoW clone in the aesthetics department. Sign me up.

I originally heard about this because of artist Kim Hyung-Tae. The dude’s character and costume design is great.

See, I appreciate the opinions of the racing community on video games, they pick the games that have the best “feel” to them, which is absultely better than alot of other sports fan communities do with games ( there is no such thing as a good FIFA or MADDEN game) and it makes them alot more welcome in video game

remind me again why anonymity is a good thing

every time I see an Amazon drone demonstration, for whatever reason, I end up laughing my ass off at the site of these things taking off

I want to know how Frank tricked an entire generation of people into thinking he was a good illustrator

still would’ve rather seen Shovel Knight or Shantae, but that will never happen because if there’s one thing the Japanese game market doesn’t care about it’s the American indie game market

I really don’t like this character, but ultimately I liker her more than simply gender-swapping Link. I don’t believe people are entitled to demand that a games/book/movie’s main character has to be immediatlely relateable to them. “I’m ____ so x character has to be ____ for me to enjoy it.” And it’s totally

is it wrong that I knew these were from China before reading this arcticle?

Man f_ck this. Kanye wouldn’t beat MF Doom.

God, opinions on this site. I never want to know what none-designers think of design.

right, but if you’re a professional designer, or a person that actually studied art, you know that design choices matter, and that not everything is subjective.

screw this mess. Anymore indie games can give me the same feel as the big name games without this bullshit (with the exception of that whole FEZ thing) and this has put such a bad taste in my mouth that I actually get some schadenfreude from knowing American game companies are absolutely burying companies like Konami.

Fuck this mess. Anymore indie games can give me the same feel as the big name games without this bullshit (with the exception of that whole FEZ thing) and this has put such a bad taste in my mouth that I actually get some schadenfreude from knowing American game companies are absolutely burying companies like Konami.

Any man who is willing to beat women and prevent critics from coming to his fights is a coward.

  • no thanks, if I want to read a comic where the titular character is a gritty, chainsmoking asshole, I’ll read essentially everything else Miller- I’m sick of his “make him a dick, make him a womanizer, make him some sort of addict” approach to likeable superheroes.