
2 things: 1) in my opinion is is way better for him if he is truly that uncoordinated rather than the alternative...that he is intentionally trying to injure people 2) if it is the former, then when asked he should apologize and use the uncoordinated dufus argument. instead he usually handles the questions in a way

as Trump predicted if he won the election there would be so much winning. I didn’t see the women’s hockey team winning gold medals under Obama.

Jamal Crawford

we live in a crazy world but facts are facts, the USA could never overcome Canada under Obama but in their first games under Trump they won. “We will have so much winning if I get elected that you may get bored with winning”

i used to watch more NBA basketball than I do now but I feel the imbalance used to be even worse. The years the 76ers (poor iverson carrying eric snow, matt geiger, aaron mckie and george lynch to the finals and the pistons (i actually like those piston teams) but the west had arguably 3-4 teams that could have beat

she’s had an older boyfriend and described a male athlete the equivalent of a “hot piece of ass”. seeing her interviews i doubt she paid them any mind. although they are still creeps

Goose Gossage told me give you a star

hopefully norris cole has been staying in shape and lebron can text him come playoff time

i was thinking it but didn’t feel the need to comment. it’s not so crazy to wonder how this is under homeland security’s jurisdiction

i say call them the decentsonics as a nod to the supersonics and require the announcers to say “dropped the gary paytons” anytime a fight breaks out

But the original XFL replaced the coin toss with a two-player scramble for the ball, when no football fan was clamoring for the elimination of the coin toss. It’s a sign that in the XFL any stupid rule is possible.

please no more days between games, the NBA playoffs already take longer than the Olympics by a wide margin and it is one sport

ok fine that explains the 35....but the 2? in 409 minutes of basketball 2 free throws!?!??!?!

people only remember the champ (and maybe the runner up). no one remembers how many games you won before you were sent packing

on a serious note why not arm and train school personnel?

did you see the school attack in russia? they threw home made cocktails in a classroom and waited outside with an axe and hit fleeig students. no gun involved. crazies gonna crazy

serious case of grade inflation. too many 10's. they were saying DJ Khalid was a harsh judge but I actually think he has the right idea. a good dunk should be a 40, a gret dunk a 45, and the memorable ones 50's. way too many 10's flying around

makes sense. both classic big men. the ASG features no defense not many missed shots to rebound and no one waits for big men to make it up the court and establish post position.

she clearly has no idea what she is talking about...if she knew anything at all she’d know lebron travels so much and often does not dribble. he even invented some crab dribble to explain how he travels so much and gets away with it #shutupandtravel #shutupandcrabdribble

Shaw learned this the hard way. had a world record disallowed for dropping it